This is true. All real change comes from the elected officials who have control over the $$$$. Brown vs. Board of Education was in the early 50s but nothing happened until Congress in the 60s started withholding money from segregated school districts and that’s was the only thing that truly got desegregation going. (And white flight to the burbs and “religious” schools and home schooling for numbskulls).

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Here's an idea for an entirely new direction of clusterfucks. What if Trump were to appoint Kimba Wood?

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We need more progressive voices to counter the poisonous right wing garbage that's out there now. We need platforms where these voices can be heard!

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Sure, why not, at this urgently critical juncture, let's just throw away seniority, expertise, and reach and all get behind Jill Stein, amirite?

<eye roll="">

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If WE make good?? Please let the party make good and run decent people who a person can vote for without holding their nose. Until the party grows up and has some policy other than "we are not Trump" there is no hope of change

Why no outrage that Kennedy is retiring after getting a present from his nice rich friend.

WE are not in control so putting the blame on WE is ridiculous .It is like saying to a battered woman if you just dressed nicer and cooked him a good meal things would be better.

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Democrats are useless time to move on to a real party for real people . Honestly congressional persons did nothing and continue to do nothing and are a waste of a paycheck .

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Bah. Moaning actually.

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1. We don’t just need both houses of congress to increase justices to 9 or 13, we need the White House to nominate our candidates. 2. And Trump & his merry band of thieves might beat us to it. Now THAT’s a scary thought! What’s to stop them, morals?

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There’s always the option of stomping our feet and threatening to hold our breath until we turn blue and pass out. That’ll show those dirty Republicans!

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Oui. :)

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Yes to Trump Kavanaugh is like a gold plated version of a supreme court justice. He won’t be able to resist.

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I thought a lame duck was just the during period after the November election and before the January swearing in of the new guy. That’s less than two months.

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According to Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC and worked at Deutsche Bank there’s the *private client* sleazy part of Deutsche bank which is what did all the skevey stuff for Trump. Then there’s the regular part. And Kennedy’s son worked in the regular part. And he she knew him there and he didn’t work on trump business. Young Kennedy was in the real estate part but Trump WASN’T. Because he was in the money laundering part. This sounds to me like something where people are seeing things that aren’t there.

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No no no! The White Racist AF, Males; Southern Sector have to wear white suits and those little black string ties. #TrueFact #Kentuckians #Bourbon #EUBourbonTariffCanMakeUsSmile

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i heard the something something program NPR report tonight from canada. they are repelled by us. they don't recognize us. i wanted to scream at the story (and canada): THE MAJORITY OF US HATE US TOO!!

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mourning i think?


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