What does that have to do with what we were talking about?

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You were complaining about targeted ads, and how it cements your decision never to have a smartphone, and why is this stuff not illegal. In The Space Merchants' 1950s dystopic vision of the future, this stuff not only is not illegal, it has become mandatory. Deliberate failure to listen to the ads is a sentencing crime.

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Mayo only!!!

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But who could possibly want to create division between the U.S. and its most important allies? Hillary, probably.

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I feel the same way. I've always thought he was a hypocritical asshole, with a small bit of humanity. I was shocked that he voted against "skinny repeal" but now he goes right along with fucking the whole country, when he knows he's dying, and he KNOWS this is going to fuck every middle class person in the country. His daughter will always be extremely wealthy, even if she had to pay 50% of her inheritance in taxes, but apparently that's more important to him than the rest of the country. I hope this infuriates the country, and Republicans are tossed out on their asses, and the new Democrats tax the shit out of the rich in 2020.

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True. They might be doing something useful.

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But only if you want to shriek "fucking Disqus" every five minutes.

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When I'm in the men's room and some nitwit is yammering into his cell phone, I just flush, and flush, and flush, and flush, and....

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You do that with disqus on the browser too.

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Every now and then, I think to myself how sick I am of that guy sitting there like a lump and taking up valuable space on the Court just so he can rubber-stamp whatever wingnut fuckery they might get up to.

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Shit, that was rough. Must have been interesting making it. Thank you for posting it here!

P.S. The reaction video from Buckethead Nation is really interesting as well.

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I want the Democrats to eventually take enough seats in congress to add two members to the SCOTUS. Right now we should have three conservative justices, five liberals, and a swing vote (3/5/1) but is actually (4/4/1) due to our shattered democracy. After this idea we'd have (4/6/1). Seems fair, and a lot more likely than the other remedies I've heard so far (either changing the whole process which requires an constitutional amendment, or impeaching a justice which has never happened before).

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A couple of years ago, I was shocked to read about how some anti-abortion groups have figured out how to hack into cellphones so they can target women with graphic, horrific ads against abortion WHILE THEY'RE INSIDE THE CLINIC WAITING ROOMS. It cemented my resolve NEVER to have one of those fucking phones. I mean, what the everliving FUCK? WHY is something like that not illegal???

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When I'm in line and some idiot yammers on his phone behind me, I like to pull out a book, turn around, and start reading the text VERY LOUDLY. Always pisses them off. :)

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