Are we allowed to call Tucker Carlson a sad, lonely woman?

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We Wonkettisters always pay our <strike>debts</strike> Editrix.

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I think we're going to see one Mother of <strike>Dragons</strike> Elections.

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I know it should be weirding me out, but for some reason my sister is starting to look rather foxy.

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<i>“President’s Day: Obama Plays Water-Guzzling Desert Golf Courses Amid California Drought.”</i>

Oy vey. Pushing this when you literally have nothing just makes you look like the obsessed stalker fucks you are.

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If Bigler had to harp on the HUSSEIN part of Barry's name, she should have called him the king of Jordan

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Maybe they are concerned, remembering that despite the 879 vacation days that Dubbya took, he still managed to fuck the country up royally.

But I doubt it. No sense of irony with that bunch.

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Because I get all my news about what the GOP and its allies are doing and thinking from Wonkette, my perceptions may be a little skewed. Is it really true that this is the shit they are up in arms (literally) about? Fancy dinners and special privileges? Big Gulps and school lunch menus? Golf outings?

Does this mean that they have given up on actual politics? I mean, I know that Fox's main purpose is to foment outrage to energize the base. And also a lot of Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain misdirection.

But there's a big election coming up this fall, and I really don't see anger at Michelle's party dress converting swing votes, or even bringing the base out en masse. Wonkette, are you sure you're reporting the whole picture? Fair and balanced? Is anyone on Fox actually bitching about, youknow, policy?

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Good heavens. Where's the NSA when Barry <i>really</i> needs them?

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