conservationist Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Paul, you idiot, Teddy was a PROGRESSIVE Lincoln was more into conserving the union than conserving the trees. It was not the same party it is today you ignorant moronic hick. If it were, we'd all be republicans cursing the dixie-crats:shoves history down his smug, lying maw:

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Actually, libertarians think the industrial version of feudalism was awesome: the gilded age. Neo-reactionaries, a group of even dorkier people are the ones who think Feudalism itself should come back with the tech firms being lords or something, I dunno. I have a feeling I used to beat these people up in junior high for being geek assholes to weaker nerds......

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"Taking a Stand -- and then Another, and Another: Moving beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America by Supporting All Sides at Once."

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He'd grift for a pair of fetid dingo's kidneys if one were offered. When you're a professional con artist, labels are far less important than those sweet, sweet benjamins.

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I don't think there's a signle gop candidate that is not in it for the grift. None of them actually think they can win.

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You know, if you have to go back a century or more to name a republican who was a good steward of the environmental, maybe your party really does deserve its reputation for hating the environment in 2015.

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As Emo Philips once said, "Oh, I've tried other enemas..."

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It both worked and was very pleasant for me. ---- Oberto I, Marquis of eastern Liguria

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Awesome campaign slogan.

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...and the fact that people will just drink it up and say "oh yeah, he is one enlightened dude" is just distressing.

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So, If I sneeze and run a red light and t-bone another car in the intersection, my insurance rates shouldn't go up because it was just an accident rather than a malicious act?

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Even better!!! Thanks, Annie.

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Rand Paul understands the environment about as well as he understands what plagiarism is.

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We had a mining accident that was very tragic. … Then we come in and it’s always someone’s fault. Maybe sometimes accidents happen.

Ha ha. Rand Paul doesn't understand the word 'accident'.

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And remember that besides being a conservationist and trust buster, Teddy was also a virulent racist, unregenerate imperialist and war criminal of almost Bush/Cheney-esque proportions.

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