Bingo on the last thing. Why did we need a smallpox vaccine? (Fun fact: I am old enough to have a smallpox vaccination scar. They are super interesting.)

Actually Fauci has received the presidential medal of freedom or whatever it’s called. But yeah he should probably get another.

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He hasn’t achieved Seychelles level. He’s probably ranting as a guest on talk radio like he did before he got this plum gig.

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And apparently doesn’t know what it is.

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I never thought about it like that. I’m so glad to know that people who do these internal, infrastructural jobs in medicine are thinking about the people. 🙂

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The herd immunity crackpots probably could find pure reviewed support. In the Journal of Malthus Studies. 😣

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Here, I gots a jingle for ya!Rudy the Leaky Lawyer


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To be clear, I wasn't offering an excuse for him. To have a significant position in our government, but not speak and write English well, is inexcusable in my book. But then I'm just snarling. Trump hires all the dumbest and least excusable people.

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For me it's the extent of denial. I have always been fascinated by cults and I knew how powerful a drug denial was, but I had no idea how *widespread* it could become.

The way you have to contort your mind into a pretzel to ignore that serious shit is going on right now is something to behold. You have to decide, by your unqualified self, that the almost totality of the world's expert and governments are wrong. You have to ignore that hospitals are over capacity, which wouldn't happen if this was "just a flu". You have to ignore a shitload of corpses. You have to decide that everybody else is "a sheep" while *you* are one of the few "woke" one. You have to callously decide that the vulnerable should just... die. You have to dismiss the people who are still sick after getting infected, and tell yourself that *they* somehow brought this on themselves, were part of the vulnerable you callously have chosen to let die, or that their symptoms are psychological (this is actually done by fucking *doctors* right now, making it almost impossible for long-haul covid patients to get treatment).

I had no idea so many people were that dumb, cowardly and downright mean.

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I have one too - everyone born before 1972 I think. But of course, you know that's where the microchip is planted. Same as the one in my cat: tracks my movements, makes me vote Dem, tells me where to hawk up hairballs [bed, usually].

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my poor mom got the chickenpox from my brother who brought it home from school. They were still working on the varicella vaccine in the late 1980s (I interviewed for a job in such a lab. I didn't get the job but that's okay, at least I didn't get the chickenpox again.)

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I'm reaching that conclusion on the basis that measles is and was a dangerous, highly contagious, notifiable disease and that, in the UK at least, families with measles were quarantined. Mothers catching measles from children attending such parties would have been at risk of miscarriage and the fetuses at grave risk of severe physical and mental debility.

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Exactly. It’s astonishing! Mass weirdness, believing ridiculous things as you lay out. And that so many people buy into the idea, that I knew was out there, that everyone who’s sick/poor should just fuck off and not need anything from society and if they do they’re bad. I knew that was out there, I’m disabled and on disability assistance for life. I didn’t realize absolutely massive numbers of people in the context of a disaster would plump for ‘Let them die‘.

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Yep. That “fastly“ really got me too. He has a PhD, sort of. When I first read that I thought oh OK, maybe he’s so weird because he’s just drunk all the time. Never underestimate the Drunk All The Time facet.

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I bet they feel the same about all prophylactics.

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Maybe you forgot that people are morons? We, as a species are agressively stupid.

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