I have been saying for literally decades that general Americans are very keen on majority rules… not super majority rules. This is practically engrained in us in elementary school and continues thru life.

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Whatever the fuck this means


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I like the idea of more paid holidays.

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I expect some Democratic senators think the Republican Senators won’t nuke the filibuster if they feel it advances Republican power. Delusional.

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Democrats should use the nuclear option on this. By that I mean not literally weapons, of course, but pelting any opponents with those cute squishy little footballs.

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Roughly translated it means, "Fuck you, I got mine."

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I dunno, Evan… no results on that search violates Rule 34. I call shenanigans!

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If you search filibuster on pornhub do you get any results?

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NERF guns at high noon in the Capitol lobby!

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It's funny how they only manage to come up with these half-assed partial solutions when Actual Legislation is near passing. They can go decades without proposing any sort of election reform, then when there's a real proposal on the table they come up with this "Well, wait, what about a quarter of that? Maybe a fifth?" bullshit. If they'd proposed that, I dunno, when TFG was in office, it would have been an easy pass.

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I'm not gonna check. You?

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