rhetoric like this without any kind of repercussions is where I'm struggling with America's interpretation of free speech. I know that's a thorny subject, but that's the way I feel about it.
ditto - surely we can disagree with each other, even passionately, without devolving into threats of violence and verbal attacks. the toddler tantrum = free speech argument is not a good look.
I am not voting for Heidi, she’s a nut job.
rhetoric like this without any kind of repercussions is where I'm struggling with America's interpretation of free speech. I know that's a thorny subject, but that's the way I feel about it.
"Camp" Bow Wow? Is that an establishment for campy dogs?
TABOR blows but if it makes a few people more lijely to re-elect Polis, we’ll take it.
Good point (read the whole short thread. hilarious)
but they won't turn on HER for sure!
ditto - surely we can disagree with each other, even passionately, without devolving into threats of violence and verbal attacks. the toddler tantrum = free speech argument is not a good look.
good dog - before i finished scrolling i thought those thigh pads were something else!
i figured she was talking about 'reading approved books only, again'
someone feed that wolf a banana!https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjWxO3u3-j6AhVC-jgGHZfpAmIQwqsBegQICxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DadCU2rQyDeY&usg=AOvVaw39WI3bB_GWHTuVu790oO8n
and that bad look has been weaponized. it feels like Kafka and Orwell had a baby.
Video not available. But I can see the title, so I guess I kinda see what you were after?
Maybe she wants to be a handmaid. The last votes she'll cast will be for the people who will ensure they're the last votes she casts.
I can't agree that "bigots just breed more bigots"; if that were true, they wouldn't fear and loathe education and cities.
Have you been asleep since like, 1950?
So the Hudson's Bay Company are a main target...