Who compiled this? Rupert Murdoch? Newsweek skews left? The Hill is neutral? New York Post barely skews right?

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"Executed on a scale of thousands, it would have made millions. Executed on a scale of hundreds, it lost the hundreds."

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"address people the way they want to be addressed or identified. FFS, what's so hard about that?"

Because it's asking shitty people to a) do something they don't feel like doing and b) be humane to marginalized groups, both of which are things that get their fee fees all mad.

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They both want to be the only pick me ass bitch in Congress.

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Been there. Experienced that. Was a card carrying member of the GOP for a couple decades, up until I began to question Dubya's sanity for invading Iraq. That was in 2003. I left the Party for good after the 2004 election.

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Ta, Robyn. Back when I was a teenaged radical, liberal was indeed an insult. I was progressive then; I'm progressive now. And I've been a registered Democrat since I turned 18 in 1972, the first time 18-year-olds could vote.

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How to deal with someone who is loud about their 'anti-woke-ism":1. Start with "What do you mean by 'Woke'?"2. Then just give 'em enough rope....

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Nice copy pasta rant that paste devoid of anything

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A stopped clock is right twice a day, and if the stopped clock has billions of dollars…

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"To call an individual "them" is nuts."

I see you are unfamiliar with English grammar, then.

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I’ve been liberal my whole life but to different extents. I’ve never liked the term progressive though. Is there a difference? Because isn’t this about terminology too?

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That's a lot of words to say you're an asshole, dude. Why are you even here?

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Is it too much to wish for a mutual kill?

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All Musk did was steal a figure from Robert Reich and reverse the left-right shift. He is a sooper jenius.https://robertreich.substac...

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The people who made this chart take every statement literally and do not understand things like "sarcasm" or "humor". For example, when Wonkette says "Devin Nunes fucks cows (allegedly)", they view that as Wonkette literally claiming that Devin fucks cows.

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I could be eating baby's to get high? I'm just learning about this now?

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