A character trait you really want to see in a POTUS.

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We have a winnah!

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Bill, is that you?

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Well, you got your Weak Anthropic Principle, you got your Strong Anthropic Principle, and you got your RTC Personal Anthropic Principle...

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Have to say, he looks way better than anyone running for Pres'nit so far.

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Now that's a theology you can believe in. No way in Hell Jesus would have skimped on his own last supper.

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Are they even aware there IS another strategy, any more?

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The article fails to mention the three months he was a Coptic Christian, or that time in the early 80s when he was a Valentinian gnostic...

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Anyone who thinks Rubio will get even 0.001% of the shit over Rev. Blackwood that Obama got over Rev. Wright, raise your hand.

[scans room]

Didn't think so.

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Something....Something....Danga Zone!!

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There's no visible evidence of evolution? My lower spine has a bone to pick with you.

Also, is there a way to keep Disqus from... y'know, NOT letting an "a href" link overwhelm a post?

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Furthermore, I'm left to wonder why an Intelligent Designer would give us a spine more suited for quadrupeds.

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Hell, just to got a Tea Party rally and tell them we should let the poor starve rather than pay taxes. Watch them whoop and holler and clap and tell me we didn't come from apes.

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I heard it involved literal pillars and a dome of water suspended in the sky. And since it's in the bible, it's literally true.

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A creator who, on top of everything else, has some weird priorities.

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I have wisdom teeth, a respiratory and digestive system that share plumbing, an ape's lower spine, and a French bulldog. Y'all theologians can shut up about evolution now.

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