We have some BREAKING NEWS to report on the developing story of the vast left-wing conspiracy "scam" to force Republicans to talk about impeaching President Obama even though they do NOT want to talk about that at all, no sir.
Here we go again: "Anyone who quotes what I said is lying." The fact that this works for them time and time again is proof of the mind-boggling stupidity of their base.
Um, actually no. He was first a Consul and General of the Army, then one of the three co-leaders in the Triumvirate, then subsequently the leader of the victorious faction in the Roman Civil War and finally Senate-appointed Dictator (extraordinary or supreme magistrate). Augustus, the first Emperor, designated himself as Princeps Civitatis, or First Citizen of the State. Neither Julius Caesar nor his heir Octavian (Augustus) ever claimed divine status or even called themselves monarchs. Some subsequent emperors were given divine status according to the Roman (pre-Christian) civic religion, but this was only done posthumously. Julius Caesar was a proto-populist and kind of a progressive (relatively speaking) for his time. The political faction that supported him was in fact called the Populares.
Yup -- Two Democrats elected President in 16 years. Both reelected to second terms. Both impeached. That'll teach those stupid voters. Selecting leaders is too important to be left to the people. They can't ever be trusted to make the right choice.
He's been gobbling impeach cobbler.
You pretty much have to wait for the Grim Impeacher to come along and remove them.
TBD = Too Black, and Democrat?
Making fun of someone as intellectually challenged as Donny Trump, in public.
Republicans admitting that they're lying is a purely theoretical exercise, so I wouldn't sweat it.
Here we go again: "Anyone who quotes what I said is lying." The fact that this works for them time and time again is proof of the mind-boggling stupidity of their base.
Um, actually no. He was first a Consul and General of the Army, then one of the three co-leaders in the Triumvirate, then subsequently the leader of the victorious faction in the Roman Civil War and finally Senate-appointed Dictator (extraordinary or supreme magistrate). Augustus, the first Emperor, designated himself as Princeps Civitatis, or First Citizen of the State. Neither Julius Caesar nor his heir Octavian (Augustus) ever claimed divine status or even called themselves monarchs. Some subsequent emperors were given divine status according to the Roman (pre-Christian) civic religion, but this was only done posthumously. Julius Caesar was a proto-populist and kind of a progressive (relatively speaking) for his time. The political faction that supported him was in fact called the Populares.
Yup -- Two Democrats elected President in 16 years. Both reelected to second terms. Both impeached. That'll teach those stupid voters. Selecting leaders is too important to be left to the people. They can't ever be trusted to make the right choice.
See? Plenty to act on. Who&#039;s <strike> driving this crazy train</strike> running this show anyway?
Purchasing an escalator to the firmament.
Tricorner, or Horatio Hornblower-style?
On Jude Law?
Talk about it all you want -- just don&#039;t drop the I-word. We want it to be a surprise.
A little shit. Next question!
Shorter version of Republican view: We hate having democracy rammed down our throats.
All Cretans are liars.
-- Epimenides
EDIT: Since we&#039;re discussing Republicans, that should have been &quot;All these Cretins are liars&quot;.