So true. All these baby-killing doctors can ask for forgiveness on their death beds, and, bam!, there they are, sitting in paradise right next to Mr. Dear.

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Well, no wonder then.

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"Why are so ou obsessed with daddy's forbidden mystery closet?"

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Mugshot? Thank God. I thought Jim Hoft said it was his profile pic from BlackPeopleMeetFarmersOnly.com

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That was the sentiment that got me banned from interactions with my in-laws. They kept asking if I wasn't afraid that I would rot in hell. I told my SIL that for me, Hell would be eternity trapped with holier than thou Christians.

Happily, they have started a GoFundMe to raise $$$ for an attorney for her husband who has been raided by the FBI for child p0rn. Had I not been banned, they would have been asking me to front them the $ and I would have had to refuse. So now we have skipped a step. Progress!

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Or the Cubbies beat the Mariners in the World Series.

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But he's innocent I tell you! Sure he is. My lack of assistance at the GoFundMe may well be the straw that breaks their backs. I live in hope!

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Wow. Straight Outta Judea.

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When did Jeebuzz get gay?

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At least his impregnating spree of sperm spreading is over.

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LOL! I'm gonna have to steal that pic from you and send it to my friends!XD

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How many followers do you attract with your subtle style of proselytizing?

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Have you ever noticed...

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"He hooked up with his second wife while he was still married to the first wife, and then impregnated the first wife while he was married to the second wife, and also impregnated the future third wife while he was married to the second wife..."

Is this impregnating-your-past-or-future-wife-while-married-to-another thing some sort of Christian tradition I've missed? I used to think Kim Davis was an outlier in this respect, but now it looks increasingly like a trend.

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Let's not forget Stephanie Bragg, his current (or latest) not-wife, who for some unfathomable reason moved with dear Mr. Dear to scenic Hartsel, Colo. (charitably referred to as a "hamlet" by the NYT), to live in unwedded bliss in a trailer on "five acres of empty scrub land."This move "was not welcomed by some in Ms. Bragg’s family. Her former stepmother, Patricia Stutts, said Ms. Bragg’s father had expressed concern about his daughter, who is 13 years younger than Mr. Dear, moving out West with him."You read that right: "former stepmother." As UnsaltedSinner just observed, in these Bible-humping Jeebus-loving social circles, you can't hardly tell the players without a scorecard.

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