Why not wait and see if you can find pro-Putin behaviors in any of the DCC beneficiaries?

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I like your gallery of heroes.

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You won't have to be "tired" much longer.Buh-bye!

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What a self-important, sanctimonious ass..... a female version of Rand Paul.

I will not miss her grating church lady voice when she's gone.

She probably smells like Ben Gay, mothballs, and bargain table perfume.

I imagine she lives on a diet of 20-year-old, stuck-together hard candy from a bowl in her office waiting area.

It's not surprising that she would be so craven as to accept an endorsement from Paul Le Page.

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Collins was able to skate by on a "moderate" reputation for decades because it was never really put on the line. But in the Trump era, with McConnell's tactics, and a razor-thin Senate GOP majority, even Collins' decision to caucus with Republicans--to say nothing of her actual votes themselves--was an endorsement of McConnell's tactics which were all about control for the insane far right GOP. Even if Collins truly was a "moderate" what would that mean if she doesn't use her leverage to rein McConnell in? She easily could have threatened to switch caucus if he didn't adhere to old Senate norms, or give moderates some sway in legislation and judges. Instead, she proved inert, and thereby complicit. To hell with her--she's no different than having Tom Cotton in the Senate, as far as that goes.

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If you don't hate this president then there is something deeply wrong with you.

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Maine's ranked choice voting pretty much makes a third party candidate no longer a threat. The implemented it after the LePage catastrophe.

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¡Buenas días! Wonkette!

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Do you like beer, Senator? Well, DO YOU?????

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I am buying nothing from Needless Markup that costs $257.00

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Maybe she’ll even be (gasp!) *concerned*!!

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Interesting how her voting in Congress changes when it's a new election cycle. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Courtesy of 538.

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"I get tired of the 'she speaks but doesn't act.'"

Just spitballing here, but the solution is maybe STFU and do something.

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I don't like this type of stat. It's like passing all responsibility for policy to Trump, like the political parties, in this case republicans, don't have any agenda except what Trump says.

Members of congress vote on party lines. The party existed and had most of his policies long before Trump, and will have them after Trump.(If they survive this and if there is an after.) Trump doesn't really have policy positions which generally derive from ethical and moral positions, since he doesn't have those. He apes the ones that keep his support from the party and his base for reelection, and tries to undo Obama's work for personal spite.

This is the same as the McConnell and Republican's response to Obama. Kneejerk opposition to absolutely everything he did, even if it was the Republic position 5 minutes before he endorsed it. (Noting that I can't think, offhand, of anything Trump has done that would actually be approved by Democrats - even if he pulls out of Afghanistan which I think we'd all like to have happen, he's going to make a total hash of it.)

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Yup meet ups with Boris to prorogue.

Oh do I dislike Conservatives!

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I agree with you completely. To me, this is about what perception she wants the voters to have. She will revert back to being lock step with the R's if she is re-elected. Candidates are tied to the president either as a positive or a negative to snag the low information type voters. For example, "I don't like President 'X' and candidate "A" votes in line with "X" so I don't like "A". It doesn't matter what else "A" may have done for the country or the state. That's been my experience in my admittedly limited exposure to the general voting populace. There has been a brewing war between R's and D's at the expense of us all. Look at the 911 victims funding bill last month. Overwhelming support but that's the kind of thing it takes to break gridlock.

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