Susan Collins sounds like the kinda stuff they sell at Four Seasons Ultimate Gardening and landscaping (it's somewhere between between a crematorium and a sex toy shop). The only problem that they are having is whether it's Horse manure, cattle manure or 100% Certified Chiroptera guano.

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Roe doesn't need to be codified - it already is cod. Tarako (Japan) and Torskerogn (Scandinavian) are both popular types of cod roe.

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This 'carve out' would be unprecedented, and I do not believe it is necessary to codify RoeI think what she meant here was that she doesn't believe the religious "carve out" is needed in order to make Roe law.

That said, I don't believe she actually does support codifying Roe as she claims to, and I think her statement there was cleverly crafted to be read either way, depending on which face she's wearing for which audience.

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She endorsed Craze LePage this week. If HE doesn't furrow her brow, I don't know what will.

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Somebody up in here knows their roe code

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No. I think it would be helpful to be able to classify each kind of bullshit as it appears. Right now Democrats are sort of "busy in another part of town" by which I mean still serious, and even after this entire bad faith bullshit decade get stunned every day by what comes pouring out of these peoples' mouths. Not Democratic politicians but regular Democrats. ouf!

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Every time Susan Collins sits on a fence,another chainlink pierces her brain

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They just re-elected her. Mainers had the chance to oust her but chose not to. Idiots all.

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No, I don't know why my fellow Mainers keep voting for her.

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They don't need to be. If someone wants to believe the world is flat you could boost them into orbit and they'd suddenly find it too troublesome to look out the window.

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Or her ass. Which is of course where her "brain" is located.

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What's it gonna take for the people of Maine to have more than just have concerns and actually learn their lesson about Susan Collins.

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Apparently if she's paid enough.

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Catholic dogma is not reason.It is unenlightenedand a desire to be led by a reassuring God.

Democracy is scary to the Taliban too.Now you can feel what it's like in their shoes.Have compassion for women, and for yourself and each other.

Let US figure how we are going to feed everyoneand supply safe drinking water.and survive together on Spaceship Earth.

If we can do that,we will have the technology to visit Mars.

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Susan Collins ought to read up on a guy named William Penn.

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Mostly northern Maine, Southern Maine voted against her. They are two very distinct voting districts.Yes, I am from Southern Maine originally.

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