Well, MD is the Australia of Canada, so that's fair...

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Alway wondered what they would say if someone asked Paul Ryan and McTurtle, in a public forum: "What do the American people need to do to make you not vote for this tax bill?" I mean if a reporter completely pinned them down and would not let them wiggle off the hook...

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Late as usual. Here's something you won't find anywhere in the GOP.https://www.cedars-sinai.ed...

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Why did she do it? Because she is a shit. She’s a tried and true Republican, so she lies and shits on her people, which is what shitty opportunists do. She is Lucy van Pelt.

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you'd have to reverse the information and thank her for her previous votes against attempts to repeal the ACA first.

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I have a feeling many Republicans will be out of the country and and far away during the Holidays. In disguise too.

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This Maine woman gave up being nice and finally told her to go FUCK HERSELF. I felt better. For a minute.

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That's what he's saying, let's see what he does.

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True.. that would be the polite way to go about it. :)

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it's also too usually the best way to get a response.

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Everyone has more chin than McTurdle.

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Hopefully her constituents don't forget. Shwe is the one responsible for more money in their pockets and it will be the reason for a landslide victory.

Sorry, you limousine liberals are so hurt that I get to keep more of my money. Feel free to pay extra if you like.

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I just got round to showing your comment to my partner. He LOLd.

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Senator Collins, I loved you. I really did.

But then you went and broke my heart.

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