Which Mar-Largo member will IncompeDon select this time? Tune in next week for 'Emperor Drumpfuck Shat Here!'!

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Yeah it's so super fucking great that Don Trump is president because Bernie started thinking of himself as some kind of messiah. Fuck this shit.

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When I listened to Rainn Wilson's book, he noted that one of the big differences between UK culture and US culture is that it is far easier in the US to be fired. One of the notes they got from either Merchant or Gervais (I can't remember which) was that you had to find a way for Michael Scott to keep his job--he had to be good at something, so they made him a REALLY GOOD SALESMAN and a person with really good intentions.

It makes the American version a little easier to watch.

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My theory is that heavy smokers like Laphroaig because they can taste it.

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It's John McCain syndrome. For all the squawking about being "independent" and a "maverick" she still votes in lockstep with Trump.

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No Sweetie, what Warren said is that based on the evidence she has seen to date, he should be removed from office. This is consistent with any normal person's interpretation of the evidence seen to date. If you would like to see countervailing evidence, then maybe you should call for witnesses, dear.

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I expect he's already spoken to McConnell. Coordination is key.

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As far as I'm concerned,Sandra Day O'Connor can take her concerns and shove them.If nothing else,it's well known she timed her retirement to ensure a Democratic president wouldn't be picking her replacement then proceeded to whine for the next few years about how bad said replacement was.Bottom line,she knew what was going to happen,she just didn't like the fact it was making her and SCOTUS look bad.

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Collins is so full of shit she stinks.

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The GOP has designated "moderates" who try and make it appear there are reasonable people in the party. But when push comes to shove, or when item comes for a vote, they all fall right in line in complete lockstep with the Royalists working for the Financial Aristocracy.

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Someone should check her office for a little boy named Anthony who looks a lot like a young Bill Mumy.....

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Porque no los dos?

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I was Bernie's way of making up for abandoning his kid when he was growing up.

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After Kavanaugh, there's actually nothing she could say or do that matters to me, at all. Save your stupid and insincere rhetoric, Collins.

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And Koch money is flowing into Maine to prop her up, because they want all hands on deck in 2020, whether they have to steal the election to hold their Senate majority, or whether the networks help them achieve it like they did in 2016, by brandishing Big Lie and divide-and-conquer tactics against the Democrats.

That's because the next Republican Congress will be tasked with the really big stuff: taking down the remnants of the safety net (say goodbye to Social Security and Medicare if the Republicans hold power), dismantling the administrative state, continuing the project of packing our courts with grifters, loons, and bribable idiots, smashing environmental regulations, unleashing the fossil fuels boys, eroding public education....lots and lots to do, and they will need every available Republican (plus Tulsi) to make sure it gets done.

So Susan's odds are better than they look right now. The Koch team hasn't really doubled down yet: the team starts flooding smears into a state only when a real competitor emerges from the pack, which hasn't happened yet: so they're still holding back, a bit. But they're ready to move in for the kill.

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He says it has nothing to do with Iran, nothing at all, he's been planning for quite a while on returning to the private sector so he could spend more time with his money.

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