I hope the voters of Maine fire her in the upcoming election.

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She presented herself in that mode: the new “conscience of the Senate.” Olympia Snowe was a more realistic Republican moderate from the get-go. Collins is pure moose shit.

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LePage was an embarrassment to any sentient creature with ties to Maine. Even most lobstahs and hake hated the dork. Hopefully Mainers won’t go through that again, and jettisoning Collins is a big step in the right direction.

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It's way past her time for her to retire and sit on the porch wing with her dog. Maybe Trump can will be able to sit with her.

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The fact Maine gets 2 Senators-and one of them this lame excuse for a moral person-and California or New York only get 2 Senators, is an outrageous outdated idea that needs. to change. Citizens should vote, not "states".

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Even an illegal Messican baby knows that!https://i.pinimg.com/origin...

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I know lots of independent voters who don't want in a party. Plenty of liberals. And I know trump fanatics who are independents, too, to avoid trump's stink. My state allows indies to vote in the primaries, sends two ballots to indies--they can use one. So I know dems who register independent so they can vote for the worst rethuglican candidate.

As for the boomer bs, when you've done a hundredth of what I have for progressive causes, i might listen to you. Till then, piss off, punk. I registered voters in places where the klan was burning crosses, for starters. What have you done besides snark on the internet?

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is there room on this board for ppl who respected susan collin's decision via kavanaugh? i dont respect ger decision last week at all

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Susan Collins can just Fuck right off. I live in the other Portland, but i sincerely hope the fine people of Maine tell her to get lost.

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Well, they've made the gigantic effort to supply some sort of woman-- right? But oh no, that's not enough for these feminists.

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I’m retired and enjoying it. I think Susan should follow my example. The voters of Maine can make that happen!

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He is so good.

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Collins has always been a hack but she has been able to hide it.With her vote on Judge McRapey,that act was forever destroyed and rightfully so.Goodbye and good riddance Susan.

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Someone who does nice things once in a while to hide the fact they are hacks rest of the time.

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