I really really like rule #3. I want them to do it all the time.

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Note that the 2017 tax bill is actually a tax increase for the middle class, though a few will get some cuts for the first 8 years. After that the lower rates and the doubled standard deduction go away. (The cuts for corporations are permanent.) The deductions that were limited or eliminated stay that way; that's already raised taxes for some in the middle class. And the new inflation adjustment index they chose will move people into higher brackets more quickly.

Meanwhile it has added trillions to the deficit.

Some tax cut.

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Bless her heart.

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If only we could have learned from the spirit of bi-partnership and brotherhood on display over the 20 years from the Republicans in the Senate.

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You mean the $2,000 checks the previous president (and every Democrat) wanted that the Republicans turned into $600?

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Collins voted to support a filibuster. Let's be very clear : Historically, a filibuster was a relatively rare event where for moral reasons somebody threw a monkey wrench into the wheels of democracy to say something important.Collins is now supporting filibusters for pure partisan fuckery.

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More or less the population of CA, The most populace state in the union ...

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She didn't say "rammed it down our throats"? What kind of Republican is she?

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Yep. They totally engineered the bill so it would fuck over people who live in higher-tax, higher-service states like the West Coast and the Atlantic Northeast. My fed taxes have gone way up since the bill passed.

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She looks like every stern teacher you ever had in middle school. It’s the hair-so last century.

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Like every Republican who said “for shame!” while clutching sometimes metaphorical pearls, and then voted to acquit Trump. Twice.

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So Natalie Maines (Chicks lead singer) married actor Adrian Pasdar (best known to me as General Glenn Talbot in Agents of Shield) who is in this video. He got caught cheating on her a little while back, which is a bad move when your main squeeze is a songwriter in a popular group. This is pretty goddamned brutal:


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Such a nutball song and such a great performance.

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Even worse lots of bills never even made it to the committee.

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Ditto. Come sit by me.

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