And if you're an American band, go on American Bandstan.

RIP, Dorian Clark. You outlived my mother-in-law by one day. RIP her, too.

FWIW, I <i>liked</i> my MIL a lot; and I developed some late-breaking respect for Dick as I occasionally watched him soldier on through the stroke. Who'd have thought that being a total attention whore would eventually become a kind of engaging personality attribute?

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I don't know if we ever were allowed back in after Karimov expelled our troops because Bushie had the temerity to suggest that maybe boiling people to death isn't something we want our "allies" to be doing.

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Al Franken, being interviewed about his book:

I've done a number of USO tours, and the year before last I went to Uzbekistan, which has an air force base right above Afghanistan. So I run into these PSY-OPs guys and I ask them, "Tell me about the Uzbeki regime here," and they go, "Oh, it's great." And I said, "Aren't they the most repressive regime in the former Soviet Republic?" And they said, "Oh, yeah, yeah, they're horrible. They boil people." And on the show, I said they boil dissidents in oil. It turned out they just boil 'em in water.

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Apparently, all y'all were smart enough not to glance at the comments. Quoting LL, "Mech".

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Isn't that an old Rosemary Clooney song?

Karimova my housa c'mon, Karimova my housa c'mon, Karimova my housa c'mon, ima gonna give you candy.

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No, Valerie never had that disdainful "you on the other side of the lens are shit" look.

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Along with the little kid from Identity.

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Oh, that <i>was</i> good.

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You wanna bring back Vaudeville, you got to be ready to use <i>all</i> your body parts.

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Unfortunately, I could not, within my normal 300-second limit, find a translator that could render "Oh, for fuck's sake". So I am speechless.

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Although (h/t to Wookies) "Forced Sterilization for the Race" has possibilities.

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Oh c'mon, you commie. We're not the <i>only</i> ones. This is not an example of American Exceptionalism.

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At least not since "One Day at a Time" ended.

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Wouldn't Juan becoming dick-tater be sort of a pre-req?

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OT but fuck all.

<a href="http:\/\/firesigntheatre.com\/media\/media.php\?member=Bergman" target="_blank">Phil Bergman</a> is dead.

See you in the shadows, Phil.

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Except she's still breathing.

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