Ever driven through upstate New York in mid-afternoon? Most of them look like everybody decided all at once to drive to Buffalo.

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Extra upvote for Matching Tie and Handkerchief reference.

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https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ne...I've paid money to stay in a room WAY less pleasant.

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Sadly, it very well could be true.

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BBQ chicken? That's no more pizza than gravy and mozzarella on fries is poutine.

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I have one of those, but it's used to de-gunk battery terminals.

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Better pulse the blender a few more times just to be sure.

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"Yo, I **** my **** an cain't nobody **** wit my *****, I dunno why this**** keep comin *** up ***** puter but it do! Now, this **** gotta **** stop right the **** now! But why the ***** I can't speak no **** engrish is cos my ***** mama done **** raised me the **** not to. So **** you mutha**** an at whole **** rodeo you rode the **** in on, yo!"

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he actually grew up pretty tough, his brother got shot, his sister ODed and his dad went to prison for selling drugs, he was born in harlem, but spent his teen years in harrisburg PA. I can't fault him for not putting politics in his music, sometimes people just want to dance

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I never know how to pronounce $ when it's part of a proper name but basically aced all of those ***. Thanks, Duolingo!

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"Sweden is such a brutal dictatorial regime that they'll put bananas, peanuts, chicken, cream, bacon, and chili sauce in a casserole, and follow you around trying to get you to 'Just try one bite, you'll LOVE IT!'"

Well, I can't imagine them putting chili sauce on anything, but they actually DO pressure you into trying that nasty pickled fish. UGH!

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Jail time is inspirational yo.Y'all heard of Johnny Cash? How 'bout, 30 Days in the Hole by Humble Pie?

A$AP should bust out with some, Sweden Prison Blues, and make his stay mean something.Narrator: this dude has no clue who A$AP is.

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If I was really a perfect concerned EU citizen (and if I had the frelling time), I would love to find out statements by A$AP himself, and/or by other trustworthy people, describing the 'inhumane' conditions he found himself subjected to. Just to have an accurate view of the whole affair.(I don't doubt A$AP himself; it's the rhetoric slammed down by Trump's pals which I would love to see confirmed)Because, all I found for now was a declaration by someone from the US embassy. And it was like the guy was reading by mistake the report from the US general inspector about the detention centers at the US southern border.

If comments were allowed, I may have written previously how Sweden's jails have a very good reputation.But if I have done so, I would have done a stupid, because:- it may well be true that SOME, if not a good number, of Swedish jails are very well designed and managed in humane conditions, but that doesn't mean that ALL of them are like this- in particular, jails used for the short-term holding of obnoxious foreigners are likely to be in (much) worse condition that high-security jails for long-term punition of local wrongdoers. I know it's the case in my country.- lastly, it was wrong of me to dismiss a possibility - that A$AP has been indeed mistreated because of his skin color. If this is the true, this is something I would prefer to know.

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Yep. From the start, it was a well established link of both friendship and events: A$AP -> Kanye -> Kim -> Trump

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:) as an adopted Swede (yeah I been around and for now until brex$hit takes my fom away, diff rant) I'd just like to say that a) Rocky there experienced the full kungship of the law and shoulda tried the football supporter defence - we let them off muuurderrr but yep basic min slap on wrist and b) that casserole is a joke. If we really don't like you we serve Surströmming.Bit like fellating the newfie cod =^^=*now I feel old had to look up spelling.

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He wasn't mistreated because (...) - Trust me, eyes have been on this over here and big poo would have been unleashed. My take is the twot that started it should have been nailed too but just my opinion.

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