<a href="http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-2098473\/Wanda-Holloway-s-daughter-Shanna-breaks-silence-Texas-Cheerleading-murder-plot.html" target="_blank">Shanna Holloway?</a>

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Bottom line is she is *not grifty enough* for Texas.

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When most of your employees refuse to move to Texastan, and you realize that you'll have to hire from among the least-educated and least-healthy state populations in the country, and you'll have to live with cowboy-guntard-jeebusfreaks for neighbors, while dodging tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, and ever-hotter summers, you might think twice.

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Rick Perry took this bozo's advice -- see how that worked out? 'Nuff said.

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I get the impression they're staring slack-jawed at the inferno, while Faux News tells them it's not really on fire.

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I suspected they had low standards.

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using drugs?

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I don't think Perry governs Texas so much as he walks around with a shit eating grin making an ass of himself.

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or channel her inner Molly Ivins

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Top Advisor to Rick Perry...

That's something I wouldn't want on my resume. Given that performance and the fact he uses the Twatter machine, David has pretty much reached the pinnacle of dumbshit.

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Dave Carney is too stupid to know he's stupid.

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throw tampons at him

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EXCELLENT Molly Ivins reference!

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better than <a href="http:\/\/usnews.nbcnews.com\/_news\/2013\/09\/12\/20454733-nature-will-have-to-clean-up-hawaii-molasses-leak-that-killed-thousands-of-fish\?lite" target="_blank">molasses</a>.

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