and fortunately for us, you are among the good people too. Being honest but fair is a hard line to follow, I know b/c I try to walk the same path.

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True, I should have said "he grew into". Because it's not like he was yanked out of there and put into a perfect, loving foster family.

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I didn't want to jump to a conclusion...

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And that's what I meant by "concerned" -- that I felt there was a strong possibility as shown by other abusive families, that kids that grow up in that sort of environment tend to be abusive as well. Some don't, so "concerned" and not "convinced" or whatever.

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Pretty sure the story would have gurgled up somewhere along the line.

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Yeah, if I were on a jury, a defense attorney trying to argue in someone's favor with "but his daddy is rich" would actually make me more inclined to throw the book at the little shit. If you come from wealth or power, you have *more* responsibility to be a decent person, not less.

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Not to mention that 13-year-old who got intimidated into dropping her case....

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I was told it was intense....

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(B)eing an engineer at an aerospace company, you write down what are all of the mitigating reasons something could have happened.

Kinda like you do with airplanes, right? 🤨

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What a lovely little family. It makes me feel so sad and small when I compare my own behavior with the exemplary conduct of My Betters.

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Seriously! What if his Mom had died?

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I(n the course of my checkered life, I have learned that what some men call "harrassing" can be anything from "Good morning, sweetie" to absolute silence.

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Was Shanahan on the military side of Boeing or the 737 Max side?

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Does sound like 'roid rage, now that you mention it.

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