All Planets Are Equal Matter?

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By the end of the summer Thom Tillis will be airing commercials in my state of Trump eating Big Macs off of Tillis' bare back while he stoops on all fours like a table in front of him.

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"Per my previous email..."

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It's only socialism if other people you don't like are getting money. Besides, if everyone else is getting money why should they?

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He'd better hope Donald doesn't read that Tweet.

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I like my Marlin 😕

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Every few days, I email my senator, Tillis, to update him on the most recent examples of corruption in the White House. Of course, he never responds or even sees it, but maybe some of his flunkies will realize how big an asshole and traitor their boss is and find respectable employment somewhere. Otherwise, I hope that in the near future, their resume listing years working for Tillis keeps them from anything better than the fry cook at a fast food joint or the night clerk at a convenience store.

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You’d think Dems would just ignore these polls since Americans don’t know what the fuck they want and just commit to Blue No Matter Who.

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Not if there are lawyers, guns, and money.

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Blow 'em up with votes!

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Kind of like the Trump Ass Kiss meeting early in his reign er, term.

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Do we need his medical records? If 78 yr old who had a heart attack isn't enough of a clue, maybe you need to hire someone to yell facts in your ears. We know, broadly, what Sanders health outcomes will be in the not too distant future. We just need to decide if it's important to us. (also, he better pick a good VP if he's the nom, because odds are good that he'll actually need him.)

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No he wasn't acquitted of killing him, he definitely killed him. Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering him. These are different things.

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Proposing an extra $40 trillion in spending in the next ten years when we are already short a trillion a year is not a good thing. Rich Americans are not that rich. Bernie is like a kid with a toy catalog at Christmas in a family on a tight budget. Free day care, no problem. Every penny of health care covered, including dental and glasses, of course. One million units of low cost housing, why not, and free college tuition and cancelling current college loans are non-negotiable. I'll also add $16 trillion for green infrastructure.

We need lots of things, but we first need to figure out how to pay for it, and a hundred billion here and a hundred billion there will not cover the three to four trillion additional cost per year. Everyone will have to chip in a significant amount, as Europe knows. But Americans hate taxes. And when Republicans point that out, Bernie is going to be in trouble.

While all of these are good policies, I don't see any of them getting a lot of traction as far as full as implementation. But I also do not see Bernie backing down as Warren and Butigieg have and say this may be a project that may evolve over the next decade.

In case anyone is wondering, I could save a lot of money as a retired with limited income, with about $500 a month in Medicare and supplemental premiums for myself and spouse, not counting deductibles and copays, so it's not a matter of disliking Medicare for All. But my fear is that Bernie pushing so many expensive policies is going to give us four more years of Trump. And that may endanger what I do have, and by millions of other people on Medicare and Medicaid, and people with pre-existing conditions using the ACA. As I said, Americans hate taxes.

You see families with kids in school voting down bond issues to update or replace run down, overcrowded schools because it would increase their property tax on their $300,000 house $150 a year. I don't see them supporting an income tax increase to pay for child care when their kids are in their teens. We want European social welfare benefits, but we don't want to pay for it. Bernie has convinced a lot of people that wealthy people and corporations will carry most of it, but that is not the experience in Europe. When the GOP lays this out in detail, Bernie will have problems. And like Trump, Bernie never backs down. Warren, on the other hand, will push as far as she thinks she can, but will not blow a chance to do better by holding out for a sure to lose perfect solution.

We still have people criticizing Obama for not doing Medicare for All instead of the ACA, or saying he should have insisted on a public option. They don't understand that doing so would have meant no ACA at all since Obama had only a brief window of a few months to do anything in the face of Republican opposition, and had Joe Lieberman and some blue dog conservative Democrats that said they would vote against it if it included a public option. It passed with no votes to spare in the Senate. And later that year that 60 vote majority dropped to 59, not enough for another try, by losing the seat Warren now occupies in a special election after Ted Kennedy's death.

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Your post makes way too much sense. I feel that it needs about 40 more upvotes, since I know a lot of people here feel the same way. If we run on socialism, we might as well just help appoint Trump to be the king.

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