Lol, I have a theory he hooked up with the other woman on the flight because she wasn't as crazy.

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First, see if your local community college has a blacksmithing class. If they do, you don't have to buy all the gear required. Which is pricy. And if not, I recommend two books to start you out. 1) "The $50 dollar knife shop" by Wayne Goddard, and 2) "The Complete Bladesmith" by Jim Hrisoulas. Both of them were my bibles.

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Ta, Stephen.

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But not as funny.

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BTW I love PA's Lt. Governor. The guy simply DNGAF and is running . He's running for senator on a "100% Sedition Free" platform. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02...

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They’re failures in life despite white privilege and coming from more affluent than average Americans. Now they’re mad and Dear Leader gave them something to attack.

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So, a threesome was off the table?

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I read this article earlier and I got angrier the deeper I got into it.

It's not finances, it's racism.

From the article:

The financial missteps by defendants in the insurrection ranged from small debts of a few thousand dollars more than a decade ago to unpaid tax bills of $400,000 and homes facing foreclosure in recent years.

This is reaching so far for an excuse other than racism that I'm surprised the writer, Todd C. Frankel, hasn't turned into an elastic man. I daresay that many, many more people have debts ranging from a few thousand more than a decade ago up to huge debts that DIDN'T support the insurrection. Has anyone ever heard of payday fucking lenders ?

I can almost guarantee you'll find that almost every person working in the real estate business in the 2008 era who is now 50 (like Jenna Ryan) went through a foreclosure or a bankruptcy. Also MANY professionals are terrible with money and owe money to the government because of miscalculating taxes or just bad money management. https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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That's what I figured too.

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Also, getting to the point that you have a TAX LIEN often means you didn't even try to work with the IRS to work out a payment plan and just stuck your head in the sand until they finally filed a lien. I've had higher than expected earnings in the past because my income varied. Instead of ignoring it, I contacted the IRS and worked out a payment plan because I was terrified they'd come after me. They never filed a lien against me. And it wasn't close to $40K. There's a special kind of entitlement that comes with owing that kind of money.

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You really see why they identify with their deadbeat daddy. (His taking the L post wind-up is so on-brand, snicker)

Watching all those cell phones recording their Capitol sadsacking, then upping the anti by adding defiant yowling about it being 'worth it', is pretty-pretty-pretty good.

I see a whole lot of infamy chasers looking to emulate trumpo's fame-negging. Coming down from that 'zero-pardons-4-me' disappointment must be the waking-up-naked-and-next-to-your-burned-out-RAM ketemine level of pain.

Plus, the internet is forever, losers.

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Lovely - let’s all cry for the wittle white snowflakes aka deadbeats AND wife beatershttps://m.huffpost.com/us/e...

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None of which is available to the average broke citizen. I don't have friends with jets, or turbo-props, or other ways that could get me from Texas to DC. It's something limited to relatively well to do people.

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That's hilarious that Jenna Ryan was facing financial ruin in 2010. Hey, you know who else was? ME! You know why? Because I lost my job in Bush's recession, and my house was in danger of going into foreclosure. I remember thinking to myself "at least I didn't vote for this shit."

I also said that to one of my mom's Republican friends when she was bitching about what a pain in the ass the pandemic was - "I didn't vote for this shit." She probably remembered that she had told me what a crook Hillary Clinton was.

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