And of course, he’s one of those governors who thinks he has the authority to stand at the gates to Texas (in Texarkana, next to the roadside titty bar) and personally kick runover with his wheelchair any Syrian refugees in the face if they try to enter that state.


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You can secede any time now...

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Dallas, you say? Isn't there a nice gated community there with some nice people who know a lot about that part of the world who could make them feel at home while they get acclimated?

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Considering the reception they'll get from Republicans, how could they not?

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The yellow crotch of Texas?

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And it still has Sheila Jackson-Lee. She's one of the only southern Democrats I've seen who makes me think that maybe it isn't *all* terrible down there.

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You're not ever going to let me live that down, are you?

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I feel so sorry for these two families. And that's apart from what they went through in Syria.

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If I were in charge of refugees at the state departmentThese poor folks have been through enough. So we will relocate them in a blue state that will better reflect true American values of courage, faith, hope and charity. Texas' display of cowardice, paranoia, xenophobia and christo terrorism will not be a good example of who we are as a nation and as a people.When you start with a gene pool composed of deserters,thieves, bandits, cowards and assorted petty criminals and combine it with rampant in breeding of close relatives the result is Texas.

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I haz a sad and my jaw tenses just thinking about what possible repercussions these people will face "in the land of the free and the home of the brave."

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They probably miss it already; a lot of my patients who are immigrants "have nostalgia" for the land they came from, especially if they had to leave it to save their own lives and their childrens' lives.

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Oh, they will put on BDUs and flak vests until they are actually taken to the middle of the desert and made to subsist on MREs and take showers which consist of a trickle of water while you stand there nekkid and filthy.

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"Aw, I KNEW that!"

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primate libel! (apes have no tails which is why I wish I were a monkey and had that prehensile tail)

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Especially if they end up in a shithole like Texas.

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