I thought it was some sort of satire too when I first saw it. The slogan of the Trump years has to be "You can't make this sh---t up!"

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I'm waiting for DeSantis to use the n-word publicly and just sink any remaining shred of a chance he has. You know he's all n-word this and n-word that when no one who isn't a racist is listening.

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Prestonpans (locally the 'Pans, inhabited by Panners). Its a small town near Edinburgh with a bad reputation. Scene of a Jacobite victory over General Cope's government troops in 1745.

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Within You, Without You. By the time we got to the encore, no one cared if we knew the lyrics or the actual tune. And Tomorrow Never Knows was another option. :)

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The what? I read Private Eye regularly but that doesn't ring a bell. I should add that I'm a dumb Yank.

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An Eye-tie? Well, shit, he ain't white at all, no way.

I knew true Aryan purity was over when they started calling the Micks real Amurricans.

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God, I miss Walt Kelly!Might be time for a reprint of "The Jack Acid Black Book".

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Normally there are equal amounts of D/R Puerto Ricans. This time, no. We had a meeting and decided. DeSantis might try, but there's no washing that Trump stank off.

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My god, it's beautiful.

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I hope you guys at least had the decency to do Obladi Oblada as the encore!

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From what I understand, Puerto Ricans are not going with the Democrats. I read a poll somewhere that 55% of Puerto Ricans would vote for Republican candidates. Is this true?

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I'll have you know my Beatles cover band killed every night with Rev9

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Dissin' on the black dude didn't go so swimmingly and pushin' up on the Puerto Ricans went over like a lead balloon, so yeah, take one giant step backwards and resmooch the Tyrannical ass that shats upon him.

DeSantis looks so tough and freedomy with this move. I recommend a Trumpstein collar and leash to top off the ensemble.

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