I wasn't being mean, it was an observation. I have long, thin hair. If I got one of those shorter haircuts, I'd have short thin hair. If it gets much worse, I'm buying wigs. I want a wig that looks like Chris Robinson's hair in the "Remedy" video.

Anyway, it's a question that's always fascinated me, so in my very feminist Sociology class our final was a 10 page paper on a subject that involved, well, almost anything Sociologically related. My paper was about why women past a certain age tend to cut their hair, and is it a result of years of male societal pressure?

I concluded that yes, in a lot of cases, it was. I surveyed 100 women over 45, with long or short hair. Historically, long, flowing hair in women symbolises youth, beauty and fertility. Hair is a pretty powerful symbol, for women and men. Hair-cutting is featured in the Bible and Greek and Roman mythologies. Men respond to hair, among other things. It's why women in some cultures have to cover their hair, and in other cultures, you are made to cut your hair right after you get married. In the latter culture, it tells all the single men that the woman is spoken for.

I had to give the paper in front of the class, who were mostly young women 18-20 years old. It went well. I was given an A from the teacher, and an A from my classmates.

I really wasn't trying to be mean. I fully realise that women cut their hair for many reasons, not just the one I examined above. Hell, I've had Rod Stewart haircuts, a Mohawk, pixie cuts, etc. I just decided I want a long grey braid like Granny Clampett, who is my spirit animal. Sorry for the novel, and I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way.

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So very sorry. Hope the flooding doesn't ruin your home.

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Never ate a pheasant, never shot one, either, but If I did, I'd eat it and enjoy it. The bird, by the way, is native to Korea. And while you decry all forms of hunting, you dine on animals slaughtered impersonally for your dining pleasure. Unless, that is, you are a fucking vegan. There many worse things in the world than hunting, except for celebrity pheasant hunting fund raisers for GOP reptiles. That sucks ass.

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Pink Floyd LIBELZ!!!!

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I just got my absentee ballot, which they now make you jump through multiple hoops to get, and saving for one gawd-bothering Democrat and two Greens running locally there are nothing but Reptilians candidates. As with years (decades) past, I'll vote for the two Greens and leave the rest blank while wondering why I bother at all.

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LOL! I give no fucks about my hair. I wash it, comb it, gaze sadly at the amount of hair in the comb, and I'm done. I have never known how to style my hair. I can braid it and put it in a ponytail, and that's it. I used to dye my hair brown in the winter, but had to stop doing that years ago because my scalp showed through too much.

Tim Gunn, who I wish was my rich gay Uncle, said in his book something like "Ladies over forty should cut their hair." I lost a little respect for him.

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They're tarred with the same brush as Cheney before, so now it's time to ptarmigan.

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Many women suffer from thinning hair around that age. A short haircut can make thin hair look less horrible. Now you know, so stop being so mean about it.

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Is four points enough to overcome the Florida election-machinery bias towards the Republicans? Or was that Ohio? Or Georgia? Or maybe ALL OF THEM, KATIE?

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This is making me think of the classic tongue-twister. I’m not the pheasant plucker, I’m the pheasant plucker’s son and I’m only plucking pheasants ‘til the pheasant plucker comes.

Try it after a pint or two!

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Coz we have fewer fucks to give about our hair. Short is easier to deal with, easier to colour to hide the grey, dries quicker, and helps fend off ‘she’s a bit old for long hair isn’t she? Mutton dressed as lamb’ type comments.

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I don’t know how much pheasant hunting is done on the continent. It is a thing in Britain. A shit thing. Although the chinless wonders who go shootin’ do eat the pheasants they kill.

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73 in January. And if only 73 was the new 53! I didn't have all these aches and creaks 20 years ago. Getting older is NOT for the faint of heart!

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Only halfway true. You CAN hunt peasants, but only if you're elected and then you have to promise not to shoot them, but instead starve them out or lock them away indefinitely (like capturing pawns in chess, I guess.)

OK...you can shoot them too, but point the guns away from the rich neighborhoods.

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True! See: Carrie Coon in Fargo.

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Not gonna lie. It's going to take a decade to turn it around in SC...if it turns around at all. But, and I know this is easy to say from NYC, you have to keep at it. PLEASE keep at it. For all our sakes.

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