Where do you get the idea that I am opposed to a necessary medical procedure simply because I do not want to be labeled by the ignorant on the other side? I am not "anti-abortion" in the sense that it isn't ever necessary. Why is this so hard to understand? Does anyone here remember the struggle we went through to call it a "choice"?

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My mother calls it pro-abortion and is astonished that I, her daughter, who she **adopted** could be pro-choice. BUT YOU'RE ADOPTED, she cries, HOW CAN YOU BE PRO-ABORTION, IT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU. I try to explain that I am grateful that I was born in 1974, right around the time Roe vs. Wade was decided and that my birth mom *totally* had the option to make a different choice, and also I am grateful that I have never had to make that choice due to not being able to have children (not a loss), but I am SO GLAD that the choice exists.

We don't see eye to eye.

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I'd really like to recommend a film to you, and not just you, but everyone here. If you haven't seen it, please dig up a copy of Thank You For Smoking, starring Aaron Eckhardt. It's a brilliant movie. Contrary to the title, it's not a movie about smoking - it's a movie about talking. The central figure is a lobbyist for the tobacco industry, and the whole story is an examination of him and his craft, which is, purely and simply, the craft of bullshit. Look up "bullshit artist" in the dictionary, and there will be Nick Naylor's shiteating grin. He's a fantastically drawn combination of every smooth-talking, self-stroking, shitheel who stole a job out from under you, talked your SO into bed, or got you to buy that fucking shitty car. The story takes you through all the ramifications of the kind of bullshit that is slung in Washington and throughout the corporate world. It's sharp and funny and infuriating, and a great chaser to all the bullshit that's piling up around our ears.

The specific reason I bring it up is that manipulation of people's thought processes is one of the things Nick talks about in the film. How people can be gotten to think a certain way about things just in the way you use words on them. And that's really what he does - he doesn't talk to people so much as he uses words on them. He's quite a master at it, and watching events unfold, I could see how people can be made to believe the weirdest things if the speaker is good enough at it.

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It's pretty much the easiest test for assholes there is.

And few people actually fail it if you ask them.

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I had amnio for my third because I was over the magic age of 35. I doubt I would have had an abortion, just wanted to have advance notice to prepare if there was a major problem. She's as close to neurotypical as the other 2 (all AG LD), but it was my choice. Every woman has the right to make the choice for themselves. If it's not your body, you need to STFU.

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Ham it up!

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sometimes we get so sensitive. with especially sibilant esses.

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There is supposed to be protest under it Sunday. Breitbart's comments on this are, well, men posting as women, I'd guess:http://www.breitbart.com/vi...

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There's a reason that the idea you're only the product of your own choices and "good" solely through your own efforts is regarded as dangerous heresy by many religious people...

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As my husband says, "If you are against abortion, don't have one."

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I always thought the perfect archetypal depiction of that kind of smooth-talking, self-stroking shitheel was Funky Flashman in Jack Kirby's MR. MIRACLE comic book. As the intro says, "In the shadow world between success and failure lives the driven little man who dreams of 'having it all'! The conscienceless spoiler who preys on all things like a cannibal. Including you! Like death and taxes, we must all deal with him sometime!" And now he's president of the U.S.A.

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I have to agree with that. I just can't see any other way to explain Kellyanne Conway.

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How PC of you Kellyanne or maybe I should say politically alt-correct.

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i forgot about that! it was a really good and really smart.

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