I don't understand how they can say so many words and yet all of them are empty. Kushner was way over his head when Trump decided to put him in charge of the opiod crisis. Then the Middle East, now Corona virus? Even if he was half way competent that's a hell of a lot. But hey Trump thinks he's got all the facebook friends so that's all that matters.

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And they're not even ventilators. They're bipap machines for treating sleep apnea.

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The only fucking thing that matters is loyalty to Trump. Competency means nothing.

Yes, boys and girls, we are doomed. Thanks, James Comey. Thanks, Vlad. Thanks, our “both sides” media. May you all rot in unspeakable Hell.

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Could someone please interrupt Wayne LaPierre's latest NRA-funded, high-end shopping spree? We need expert advice regarding whether it's time to start exercising our Second Amendment remedies.

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It’s not to late, especially with this bunch of hemorrhoids in charge.

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In one sense Reagan was right when he uttered that famous “get government off the backs of the American people.” I want to get THIS GOVERNMENT off of our backs and reinstate a decent, humane, caring, government.

Where are the Ghostbusters when we need ‘em?

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Amazing that we never thought of just letting him be aggressively stupid at everyone, which is free, instead of arguing about a $50k piece of medical equipment!

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You've got to listen/read to this!

Task Force FUBARhttps://digbysblog.net/

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"I know how to make this government run now."

The US asked Thailand for help—only to be informed by the puzzled voices on the other side of the line that a U.S. shipment of the same medical supplies, the second of two so far, was already on its way to Bangkok.


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Also, TF WGAFD* -- "We Gonna All Fucking Die."

Pronounced "We Gaffed."

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You'll drink and you'll like it, mister! (Or miss).Now may be your perfect opportunity.

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It is not always a rule. Reports are too though that Kushner is bringing into his scrabbled together task force some people from McKinsey. McKinsey has a rep for hiring bright but inexperienced B-school grads, hiring them out for sky-high rates, and having them dole out generic advice to clients.

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I can't.

Why did I read this?(I hate Jared so much!)

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Not as cute unfortunately.

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If nothing else, Kushner has proved the value of an MBA. Zero. An MBA has zero value.

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A guy who has never done more than collect rent is the one in charge of everything? Did somebody tell Trumpandemic that he was supposed to destroy everything?

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