And the previous administration made sure that those who thought that way would be applauded !!!

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Yesvyou have to have a legal address to be able to vote, be it mail in or in person.

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You sure those people were anti vaxxers? At least some of them were vaccinated.

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It's legal for homeless people to vote; they can use a shelter address to get mail. That said, it's definitely more difficult.


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And some were not. That's the point - I'll say it again for the cheap seats "ALL anti-vaxxers everywhere need to be kicked to the curb and the mandate is universal." If you're hanging with anti-vaxxers in a place you *know* will require proof by law, it is absolutely not racist of them to demand your proof. It's called common sense. They all got proofed and some couldn't provide it. They took offense and started swinging instead of telling their anti-vaxxer friends to go peace out, we'll see you later. Instead of supporting the restaurant's attempt to meet legal requirements, they picked a fight and it got ugly. I can't prove the staff didn't say anything terrible but right off the bat, the patrons are in the wrong and need to prove they're not just trying to smear the staff. BLM doesn't seem to care if the patrons were breaking the rules either, only that slurs might have been used and "unfair" practices were in play. If you get asked for your card, you show your card; you get caught being unvaxxed and happen to be Black, that's not racist but you trying to break the rules and getting called out for it.

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Exactly. You canโ€™t prove your perceived version of what happened. Itโ€™s even possible the people who were refused entrance were vaccinated but forgot their vaccination certificates. At this point I donโ€™t know if anyone has the full picture.But yeah letโ€™s go off half cocked and start attacking BLM.

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And you can't prove yours either so frankly, you're still wrong since we absolutely cannot just assume someone is or take their bloody word for it. No proof on hand means YOU'RE NOT VAXXED as far as the person asking can tell. That's the damn point of the passport. You forgot it? Tough shit, buddy - you'll remember next time. You are not entitled to eat at a particular restaurant and if you forgot you pants, they wouldn't let you in because you swear you have some at home. Don't cry they're mistreating you because of your race when they're holding you to the standards everyone else is AND they failed those standards in the process. It's a really bad look.

At some point, responsibility needs to kick in here. BLM is barking up the wrong tree, claiming racism in enforcing something THEY COULDN'T PROVE ON THE SPOT. All they have is people breaking the rules (no card, no entry) claiming the staff was racist about it. The patrons also attacked first so they're even more wrong. Look, BLM can back the wrong issue as they're human. Defending them when they're trying to say the restaurant is at fault is clearly wrong - whether something racist was said is one thing but they definitely, absolutely were correct as no card, no butt in seat is the rule PERIOD.

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And because i canโ€™t prove anything Iโ€™m not rushing to take sides.You and others, despite having no proof, are already condemning BLM. I wonder why that is.

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Nice deflection- imply that criticizing BLM in any way is implicitly racist. I wonder where I've heard that before..... BLM can and does make mistakes as they are human and that's what humans do.

The simple fact is *YOU* don't have any proof and neither do the patrons making the accusation. The default is not guilty until proven innocent. You *are* rushing to take a side while pretending to be neutral as the patrons and BLM's by stating "I can't prove anything BUT...." - if you can't prove anything or have a solid reason for protesting, why are you protesting? These are real people you know, who have real jobs and lives affected by this. How fair is it to smear people with no credible. Calling out BLM for running out to protest on this without facts or even a solid narrative to explain WHY they're protesting detracts from their mission.

If BLM showed up outside your door to protest your racist actions for when you {mumble mumble mumble}, wouldn't you defend yourself saying there's no proof you're a terrible person? This is exactly what conservatives accuse them of doing. They broke the rules, attacked an employee when rightly asked to leave by city public health rules and instead of showing it was all a "I forget" on their part are insisting it was racism. When it turns out they were in the wrong, BLM is going to take a creditability blow for supporting them for just screaming "Racist!" to cover their butts

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You admitted it yourself. You have no proof that backs up the conclusion to leapt to immediately. So why so fast to jump to that conclusion?

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Do you understand basic logic and the null hypothesis? It's not jumping to a conclusion but rather a baseline to function. The assumption is that one is NOT vaxxed as because that's not your natural state. You need to prove that you've change this base state to vaxxed aka your proof or passport.

You really seem to struggle with this because you want to believe them and really, really don't want to accept basic facts. You are the one jumping to a conclusion by taking their base position (the staff was wrong to challenge their inability to provide proof because they're likely fine). Ask yourself - are you siding with them solely because they re Black (a racist position in and of itself) or because you think they are right (in which case, based on what)? New video shows the women attacked the staff from behind - something that really throws into question their innocence in this matter. You just keep saying others are jumping to conclusions but you have nothing to back your position - you're utterly convinced you're right by adhering to the golden means fallacy and "we should wait and see". BLM didn't when they decided to protest based on little facts but the rest of us should? How fair is that?

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As long as itโ€™s on private property, I donโ€™t care.

The kids will think itโ€™s stupid.

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Feature, not Bug

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Do the Right Thing llhttps://www.youtube.com/wat...

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