I know and I live here.

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He should be locked up, pour encourager les autres. But, it may accomplish nothing but creating a "martyr" for the rest of the crazies.

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I wasn't referencing Judaism or Buddhism. I was referring specifically to these self-righteous, evangelical 'Christians' such as this Howard-Browne bastard who flippantly defy directives issued by local authorities and thereby put other, innocent citizens in that community at risk.

This asshole IS a threat to public health. I cannot possibly be any more specific.

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Indeed. I'm surprised I missed that one!

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The only Comfort Trump ever sent anyone.

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A semi-underground "cult-like" church was the source of the major outbreak in South Korea, despite the fairly stringent testing and tracking measures put into place.

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Cheap sixties neon paisley cotton shirt LIBEL!!

Also, my father's idiosyncratic combinations of stripes and plaid libel, but he knew he was doing it, and kept it up until my little sister ended up as a student at the college where he taught, and she forced him to exercise a little restraint (and a modicum of taste), rather than carrying the fake remote with the "volume control" that my brothers made for him. ("I don't understand it! The controls, they do nothing! Nothing!")

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Aboit overcoming the pandemic. Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying, "It won’t happen unless we respect science, science, science. And for those who say we choose prayer over science, I say science is an answer to our prayer."

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Florida's gotta Florida, I guess...

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I can’t think of a better place to put Starbucks

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Look on the bright side. When this is over, quite a few of those churches could well be a lot less mega. (Because people will realise they should stay away, of course.)

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So . . . he bought 13 air purifiers that have the UV light that supposedly kills viruses, molds and bacteria??? Dude, your hay fever having and asthmatic parishioners will be more comfortable if they are sitting close to one of the air purifiers, but that's about it. https://media.giphy.com/med....

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Oh the lulz.Srsly, tho, you know a bunch of them are looking at their checklists like, plagues, yup, naturaly disasters, yup - praise Jeebus, honey, he's finally, finally comin' back for us!

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..the evil in me wants to send a donation...

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