I'm an old battle-ax myself. A toast to us! 😜

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Cheers ;)

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...and a titanic liar...

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And don't forget that awful woman, a Hungarian photographer, kicking refugees.http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/...

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As you creep northward into Illinois(2 of our last four governors are not in prisonTM), the Hobby Lobbies aren't as hopping. But then again they never were. Michael's takes care of that, along with the fact that there just isn't much crafting being done. We have corn!

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It's funny that they wanted to shut Disneyworld down because they were being nice to teh gays, because that's their job as Christians or something. They never even knew that Walt treated all his people like shit and they should have been boycotting him for years if they really cared about people like the Jesus they claim to follow.

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If memory serves, not even in the Bible.

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I'm just gonna wait for the whole thing to settle in before I bother trying to learn what terminology is proper. It changes every two minutes. You can't keep up. Since I have a job, a stepdaughter, a wife, a house, friends, etc., I don't have time to check how someone is rewriting the rules every five minutes. In the meantime, if I can tell someone isn't being a bigoted dick, I'm gonna leave them be if they aren't using terrible terminology. Especially when it's something that I have seen plenty people use lovingly before. If they are being a bigoted dick, then I'll tell them to go fuck themselves. It's the best I can do.

As far as I know though, trans when referring to a group has been a constant, and should still be acceptable.

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I shop there, and my bowels decide to protest my eating habits every time I go. That place is some sort of laxative for me. Point is, they have nice bathrooms. Worth a stop if you're in the area.

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He also doesn't seem to be Christian.

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What I truly dread, and I pray I will never see, is the level of stupid these movements and politicians will have to sink before there are no more right wingers holding offices higher than dog catcher. Conservative has become a one word oxymoron.

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Weirdly, HB2 is pissing off North Carolinians, what with the NBA being unhappy, and conventions and rock stars canceling, and federal lawsuits, and NC being a lot less neanderthal than it used to be, at least in the cities. Which means that the governor is likely to get shitcanned this fall.Funny how that sometimes works.

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Women throughout the state are going to be mighty unhappy when they can't duck into the gents when the line is too long at the ladies.


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Seriously! I've asked the same thing when the issue of "privacy" was raised: you know there are stalls in there, right? That women aren't peeing in front of each other, holding hands in a circle and singing kumbaya? And that restrooms are public, meaning there's not that much expectation of privacy anyhow? You like almost never go into a public ladys room to find two lesbians using it as a private sex lounge... Sorry if this crushes your fantasies or anything, but nobody treats them like they can do anything they want in there. ;-)

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Yeah, what he said!

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