By my calculations, they've been waddling about several locations and over several events, with their death toys clearly displayed, and not a single jack boot tyrant thug has yet come out of a black helicopter (or any vehicle, for that matter) to take away their guuuunz.

Of course, not a single 2nd Amendment Pervert will bother to notice, because whose got time for examining false narratives?

It's already a lot of work to maintain how a big AR15 with sights and tactical pockets and shit somehow magically erases the soft and floppy big ole mantittays gently dangling over your Gut-Fil-A tum tum.

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Do they come in pink chenille? I'm not buying one unless the filling is non-flammable and bullet proof.

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It is the four letters that start the word. I can't even write the word that starts with "intri" and means, more or less, "fascinated".

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Congratulations Target. You are helping train these assholes they can bully companies and get their way.


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"It's time we face reality, my friends. We're not exactly rocket scientists."

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I can’t wait for the Target shopping carts with gun racks to come out, hopefully not at the expense of the coffee holder.

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The cows smoking behind the farmer's house is certainly a classic.

As is the chicken taking a baby out of the house while the farmer's wife takes the eggs out of the coop.

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One of the most famous New Yorker cartoons is Peter Arno's. A man looking at an airplane crash and saying "Well, back to the old drawing board."

Apparently that caption provided us with the saying.

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True story- many moons ago we built a haunted house for charity by converting an empty office complex. We ended up with about 20 doors left over after removing them from all the rooms, so we hung all of them in the final room of the tour. The entire room was all doors- with only one of them being functional as the exit. We then hid a guy just out of sight in a Jason mask and a working gas chainsaw with the blade removed. The guides would send each tour into that last room and leave them to find the exit on their own.

Turns out that a running chain saw in an enclosed office is scary as hell- all that noise and smoke and fuel smell is unbelievably frightening, especially when some maniac in a mask charges at you with it. Even better, that chainsaw will still slice through a hollow core door despite the lack of chain. I've never seen so many tough guys lose their shit and pee themselves as they trampled their girlfriends in a blind panic to desperately yank on each of those doors nailed to the wall.

Good times...

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Just look for McDonald's cups and buckets of KFC.

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FTW !!1!!

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Target, huh? It was only a matter of time.

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"It's a paramilitary organization with cookies!"

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My favorite remains the bear in the scope crosshairs pointing to the bear standing next to him.

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Maybe they were going to the sporting goods section to buy a basketball, just to be sure...

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