This article cannot exist without this. Portal 2 (Cave Johnson) Aperture robot commercial.


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This is why the Nigerian Prince email scam is still a thing. People are A Dumb.

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W:No 9/11's after that first oneSkynet:Once all humans are dead, no human will die ever again.


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"Would it be wrong to beat a robot with a hammer if no one was looking?" Just asking for a friend.

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You could replace them with a potted palm and a post-it that says, "Screw The Workers".

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Sometimes I'm glad I'm just an old fuck who doesn't give a shit anymore. Replace THAT with a robot, Target.

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I'll tell my sister...she works at Walmart.

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Or Amish. They treat their animals like machines, and when they're used up, they just go buy another one to use up. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. That, and their puppy mills.

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This is a guy that chops noodles all day. Not the head chef.

It's possible he does a few other things, but if the restaurant is large and busy enough, they might really have a guy that mostly just does noodles, all day.

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Skynet kept us safe, just like W!

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Dude I was totally being like 2nd Amendment absurdist. I was just thinking of robots and the NRA.

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Wow, that sure beats what I'm making. I'm moving to China!

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From each according to its programming, to each, according to its power supply specifications.

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They are also very good at form factor design. It's always puzzled me that no else has really been able to do that. (Aside from just imitating Apple designs, I mean).

Jobs was a dick, who gets way too much credit for Apple's success, but that does seem to be part of what he contributed (not doing the design, but caring about it, is what Jobs did, I mean)..

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Well it was Australia, but seriously no american tourists?

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This kind of reminds me of that robot that "hitchhiked" across Europe, only when it was brought to the U.S., it got mugged in Philadelphia.

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