A note to the privatize everything crowd. Next time you’re about to pump your pants full of poo and you find the closest toilet takes $.50 to enter and you’re out of change; I hope you are thinking maybe a little socialism isn’t such a bad thing after all.

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As long as they're in Ye Olde Englande, perhaps they will read about the Middle Ages and how everything was privately owned back then. It was a party for the nobility. Not so much for everyone else. Of course, our American teabaggers will fancy themselves belonging to the nobility class. Oh, and what's the other problem with my suggestion? That's right, teabaggers can't read.

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"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that mankind has an inalienable right to not shit his pants..."

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do they know whose taxes we teabagged from back in our teabaggin revolution days?

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Is Sarah Palin going to meet her hero, demented Margaret Thatcher?

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The New York Times Book Review lists bestsellers by volume but includes an asterisk next to titles that have been bought in large volumes by a single buyer.

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From the Vanity Fair article about the female Ronaldus Magnus: <i>Early in the 2008 campaign, when John McCain's aides discovered that Alaska-size gaps existed in Palin's general knowledge (among those previously unreported:<b> she had no idea who Margaret Thatcher was)</b></i>

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