Total Bullshit? You mean "Not Intended To Be A Factual Statement."

Nowadays, this can be used without qualm or repercussion anymore. Feel free to embellish publicly! *

*As long as you are aligned with the ideology of Wingnut-Koch Industries, you will never suffer any sort of media scrutiny.

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If it wasn't for threatened violence (or actual violence) this poor fat shit's ideology wouldn't have any chance of ever finding its way into someone's mind. He knows it. They ALL know it. Without fear, they can't influence anyone.

There's so much intentional misdirection in his statement, it would be breathtaking if not for our times, when we have a media that is interested in a balance only based on quantity, not actual quality of ideas. Our times, when someone can say "that's not intended to be a factual statement" and NOT get run out of town on a rail clutching his bruised massively-kicked ass cheeks.

He <i>means</i> "bullying" but he chooses to try some conceptual sleight-of-hand and morph it into some kind of positive "peer pressure." <i>Positive</i> peer pressure? That shit is rarer than a teabagger without a blubber problem. Does it even exist outside of fiction or Public Service Announcements?

These fucks have shown that they care not for the high road, that their ideas are all about tearing down, and not building up. Tearing down our long-held values of tolerance. Tearing down our high-held values of respect. Tearing down our humanity and compassion, and trying to replace it with fearful self-interested greed.

I'd say it seems about time to crush out their fat asses under our high horse's hooves, down there on the low road where they snipe from.

404 Error: Snark not found.

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Someone should push Sweir off a short pier.

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And don't forget, <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=Z8xOwetxQ8g" target="_blank">as gay as the day is long</a>.

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Once again, government so small it can fit in your bedroom.

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wow that's one of the few things i've heard recently that makes me think we're actually going to be ok.

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i think it is getting better - i don't mean the repubs or anything to do with politics or political ideology - but people who have to live with people. just look at wordsalad's story above.

i am a 40 something faghag (see also: diva, liberal) and i can see the difference b/t even left-leaning theatre (CA. 1992) and my wasp parents (CA. 2011). and at this point, my parents are the more progressive voice.

it's incremental, but it's happening.

that being said: yeah that dude should die in a particularly inglorious way.

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or just ignore him and go all gay agenda his grandkids..

yeah muthafucka there IS a gay agenda and - as tommcatt reminded us earlier - the mo's hold the keys.

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Apparently you can't be against butt-sex without sounding like a butt-hole.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=1E90HWFxdi8&amp\;NR=1" target="_blank">Let's go to this comedy well....</a>

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Holy Shit, Barb! +243! Highest upfist ever I believe.

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Don't these people watch Glee? What is wrong with them?

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My guess is that Rich Swire would decline such discussion like a prison bitch.

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I would be tempted to exert upon a tea party member something more akin to "pier pressure",

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We actually heaped tons of scorn and derision on the Mormon kids growing up - got one to switch over to the dark side, honestly - this is 1996 - if anyone messed with the gays they had to deal with half the school football team who supported their openly gay team mates. It is harder being Christian than anything else in school these days, at least up here in PDX.

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