No one could have foreseen that cannibals gotta cannibalize.

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To be fair, it was either him or "Greatest Polka Hits" in that timeslot.

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What are they saying about the Hannity smackdown over there at Breitbart? Asking for a friend.

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Life's been good to him, so far.

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I read Jeb Hensarling's name as Hesnarling. Was I more accurate than the official version?

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Eric, Eric, you want to starve your bubbie?

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Well, we knew the Tea Party suffered from Chronic Backstabbing Disorder. Now it's just much more manifest.

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Slightly OT, but King-of-all-Media <i>Flashboys</i> author Michael Lewis said in an interview that the guys who started the Investors' Exchange looked into available domain names and found that, in fact, InvestorsExchange.com was available. Problem was, it was impossible not to read it as InvestorSexChange.com.

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Well, I hope those blind squirrels get their squirrel nuts stuck in their zippers.

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Eric Cantor isn't the Majority Whip. He's the Majority Leader. The Whip is Kevin McCarthy.

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I'm sure Darrell Issa would have some advice for him.

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I'll stake my reputation on Vlad.

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<i>Why does it always have to be Hitler?</i>

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He'll survive the primary challenge, because he had the hill folk gerrymandered out of his district last time redistricting occurred.

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