The fact that a DMD is a sure way to score a high-quality J.A.P. is a huge motive, at least on Long Island.

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That must have been one hell of a lumpy rug, even wihthout all the heads.

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There's just something about carrying around enough sheet metal for three Civics (and burning enough gas for four.)

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those are some mighty endowed wenches up there.

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There's an eerie resemblance to religious cult where members compete for status based on who is the most pure. (c.f. madrassas)

The Constitution was an important milestone in the evolution of democracy. But if we were writing it today, we would not make the same choices. We still don't directly elect the POTUS. Two senators per state instead of representation by population is not democratic. Lifetime appointments to SCOTUS means a justice could serve for 50 years with today's life expectancy.

Maybe it's time for a "new testament" for the Constitution.

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You know, it's not like a church can run around the country, saying whatever it wants, like "God Hates Fags" or burning Korans.

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But Gosar is from Arizona, not Utah.

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Jello is fine as long as they use Newt's mom's recipe.

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That car deserves a decent crushing.

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If you disagree with me, you hate the constitution.

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Hey, easy now. We don't want any trouble, understand?

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It's interesting how she and others can assemble and freely speak about how the 1st Amendment doesn't exist anymore. She might more profitably focus on the "unreasonable search and seizure" language of the 4th.

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