Mazel tov!

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They should have freaked out the 'baggers and told them there were 666 rooms available.

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They just forgot to account for the 44% of their membership whose social security check wouldn't cover the flight + hotel, the 32% who find air travel with a hoverround too stressful, and the 24% that are shut-ins.

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According to my HP-41 calculator, that's $392.27 for 3 nights or $130.76/night. That's not a bad rate, but the hidden fees would easily push that to $155-160/night. Hell, I can stay at the Mandalay Bay for half the price, rent an air conditioned car, and watch all the old figs on their hover-rounds.

These Teatards are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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It's good to read a fucking outstanding, happy story once in a while. =)

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I see what you did there.

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True, true. This is a completely oversimplified breakdown. It'd need countless circles in a Venn diagram to depict the myriad specific traits and their overlap which add up to the basic premise that nearly the entirety of the membership is too poor and/or infirm to make such a trip.

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Just like a typical family, the Tea Party Nation has to balance its budget. If there isn't enough money to pay the bills, they tighten their belts to make ends meet. And if Dad runs up a $640,000 bill at the casino, that family dips into their children's college fund. "We'll pay it back when this is over," they promise. Then Mom takes a part time job to bring in some more "revenue". While at work she becomes close friends with a co-worker. She starts looking forward to work more than evenings with Dad. Eventually there's an argument and some tears. The house gets sold, but there isn't enough to pay for college.

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Let me try to explain it to the teabaggers. It's like promising to put an engagement ring on the invisible hand of the free market, then reneging. Then the invisible hand slaps you across the face.

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What could possibly lead the Venetian to believe these tea baggers could settle up for $642, let alone $642,144.

I'm betting Tea Party Nation is judgment proof - on both levels.

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(or whatever the kids are saying these days)

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Omg it's just like us gay guys, only instead of "I love you" we say "hey what's up"; and instead of "dinner" it's "Variations on a Theme of Sodomy."

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Outstanding analogy. Many upfists.

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Not using a tray instead of a plate at the all-you-can-eat-buffet would also be a give away.

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I particularly like Variation #4. But holy shit you better have some technique in your left hand.

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Thanks Elvis ol' buddy. I missed it in my haste to "push the envelope" with a reference to buttsecks.

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