Well...the bad news is that my p-score is still stuck. The good news is that I just made two sales. On the whole, I think this is the better outcome. I mean...I know you folks just love me, so what's a p-score anyway?

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Aw crap...I'm never going to get enough p-points for that personal stereo. These things are worse than Green Stamps.

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If our Hindu cousins happen to be right vis a vis the reincarnation thing, I want to come back as a hobo bonobo - hobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobohobobonobo...

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The logic in thinking the Tea Party is racist is that the protesters are almost entirely middle-aged white people who having an irrational overreaction to some fairly modest policy proposals because of a personal dislike of the person in charge (several of which, such as the health care bill and bail-outs, were based on Republican proposals or policies of past administrations)...who is a pretty likable guy except he has one trait that causes people not to be liked. Add in some pretty racially inflammatory signs and overtly racist rhetoric by leaders of the movement, and its not at all difficult to draw the conclusion.

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And the mighty black/white-guilt vote got Obama elected, just like it did for Presidents Jesse Jackson, Carol Mosley Braun, Al Sharpton, Doug Wilder, and Alan Keyes.

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His plastic surgery did not come with a long-term warranty.

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David Duke University is for the folks who need a little help before they can get accepted at Glenn Beck University.

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BTW - OT...but, who do I have to blow around here to get a bump up in my P-score? I'm having a shitty sales week and the p-score is the only proof I have that I am still alive.

Yes...I am as sad as that and a bag of chips.

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Today, we are all hobo monkeys.

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I can't bear to watch the video...did he really say "hobo monkeys"?!

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Duke is just mad because evolution was unkind to his family.

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