The swirling toilet of American Public Life gained another floater this morning as NPR announced the immediate resignation of CEO Vivian Schiller -- no relation to NPR executive Ron Schiller, who was secretly videotaped giving an accurate description of the Tea Party people and already left NPR.
Well, this is great news! It is always so satisfying to do-it-yourself, yes? I would imagine that totally includes subjugation! Also, doing it to yourself has the advantage that you get to administer the kinds of morale-lifting beatings that YOU like best!
So I guess &quot;gave away the NPR totebag&quot; should be a new Urban Dictionary term for turning over your balls/self-humiliation? <i>Chuck&#039;s girlfriend sent him to the store to get tampons. Man, that guy totally gave away the NPR totebag!</i>
the problem with the colbert roast - which i think will go down in history as one of the more important speeches speaking truth to power - was that he also took out the media.
Okay, I&#039;ve just tilted at the windmill. Here is my email to NPR management:
I have been a loyal listener since 1982, and today I am thoroughly disgusted with NPR. Why on earth have you fired both Schillers? James O&#039;Keefe is a disreputable slime whose past &quot;videos&quot; have been horrible, deceptive, and fraudulent mashups designed to smear their targets unfairly. Ron Schiller spoke the truth when he said, in a private conversation, that the Tea Party was full of xenophobic racists. They are--just look at the signs from their rallies. And then to fire the CEO? Have you ever thought about standing up to your enemies and fighting for what is right? NPR has been in a long, slow decline for me ever since you fired Bob Edwards. It was both wrong and shabbily done. You have followed that with a dumbing down of your content, and a retreat from actual journalism. You have enshrined the &quot;report both sides equally, even if one is demonstrably false/fraudulent/etc&quot; ethos. You have featured as &quot;commentators&quot; and &quot;journalists,&quot; insipid Washington Villagers like Cokie Roberts, who blithely assume that their limited world view, spawned in the junior high school that is Washington Press Corps, is somehow all that there is. You have given air to that Fox News repeater of Republican talking points, Mara Liasson, whose lack of journalistic ethics and credibility should damn her to the confines of her Fox Propaganda Service hell. I am sure that you don&#039;t give a damn about your share of my modest contribution to my local station (WAMU). But you should know that I am not alone in my disgust, and that you should not take your listeners for granted. The Tea Party doesn&#039;t listen to NPR; their antithesis does (for now). You can either stop cowering or lose us.
Well, this is great news! It is always so satisfying to do-it-yourself, yes? I would imagine that totally includes subjugation! Also, doing it to yourself has the advantage that you get to administer the kinds of morale-lifting beatings that YOU like best!
So I guess &quot;gave away the NPR totebag&quot; should be a new Urban Dictionary term for turning over your balls/self-humiliation? <i>Chuck&#039;s girlfriend sent him to the store to get tampons. Man, that guy totally gave away the NPR totebag!</i>
Pictures or GTFO....
Perhaps Diane Rehm should do it, especially if her jaw trembles like her voice!
Excellent word, Sir. You are on a roll today.
we should pull more of this shit. we&#039;re smarter than they are and the pickings (see djs posing as koch brothers) are DEFINITELY jucier.
FAT racist homophobic, etc.
don&#039;t forget fat.
the problem with the colbert roast - which i think will go down in history as one of the more important speeches speaking truth to power - was that he also took out the media.
so they ignored it or trashed it.
My favoritest line evar! Platinum fistification commencing!
Okay, I&#039;ve just tilted at the windmill. Here is my email to NPR management:
I have been a loyal listener since 1982, and today I am thoroughly disgusted with NPR. Why on earth have you fired both Schillers? James O&#039;Keefe is a disreputable slime whose past &quot;videos&quot; have been horrible, deceptive, and fraudulent mashups designed to smear their targets unfairly. Ron Schiller spoke the truth when he said, in a private conversation, that the Tea Party was full of xenophobic racists. They are--just look at the signs from their rallies. And then to fire the CEO? Have you ever thought about standing up to your enemies and fighting for what is right? NPR has been in a long, slow decline for me ever since you fired Bob Edwards. It was both wrong and shabbily done. You have followed that with a dumbing down of your content, and a retreat from actual journalism. You have enshrined the &quot;report both sides equally, even if one is demonstrably false/fraudulent/etc&quot; ethos. You have featured as &quot;commentators&quot; and &quot;journalists,&quot; insipid Washington Villagers like Cokie Roberts, who blithely assume that their limited world view, spawned in the junior high school that is Washington Press Corps, is somehow all that there is. You have given air to that Fox News repeater of Republican talking points, Mara Liasson, whose lack of journalistic ethics and credibility should damn her to the confines of her Fox Propaganda Service hell. I am sure that you don&#039;t give a damn about your share of my modest contribution to my local station (WAMU). But you should know that I am not alone in my disgust, and that you should not take your listeners for granted. The Tea Party doesn&#039;t listen to NPR; their antithesis does (for now). You can either stop cowering or lose us.
That&#039;s Gross.
I thought that was ended with O&#039;keefe&#039;s brush with the law.
<i>The swirling toilet of American Public Life gained another floater this morning</i>
And it is exactly this kind of wonderful prose that keeps us loyal to our Wonkette. Seriously.
Hey don&#039;t blame the Splendid Table for that abomination!
To be fair, I&#039;m sure there are probably 5 or 6 Teabaggers who aren&#039;t racist (somewhere).
Ma&#039;am, I have it on good authority that the only racism left in America is reverse-racism youbetcha donchaknow.