Problem with the Tea Party?...Stop the chatter and start killing off these idiots!

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you are absolutely right and another sad thing: many of the old line (country club type) repubs really have no clue that their party's been taken over by an incoherent rabble. poor dears think they are just 'fringe' and of no great consequence.

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ok i feel better.

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Teabaggers! 1st to fight, but always from the rear

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Slightly OT, but whatever happened to the Republicans you used to be able to have a reasonable discussion with? You know, you could see where they were coming from , and they could see where you were coming from, and where you had a difference, you could just agree to disagree and then go get a beer? Going to college in Northern AZ, I had a bunch of those kind of friends, but now....nada. I have come to the conclusion that

Republican = lying sack of shit

and that makes me sad. Really. Sorry for the lack of snark, but it really does bum me out and make me worry about the country my kids are inheriting.

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"demand they make tough decisions"

Unless said decisions mean cutting their Rascal subsidy, Social Security, and Medicare.

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Gay Marry for Freedom! Throw in some bacon (everything's better with bacon) and there will be no holding them back.

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Is Ken going to be there? Jeeze, he oughta walk around wearing a tricorn hat.

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You forgot the Meth!

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