Now those are beatitudes with attitude!

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The ironic unspoken bit in the first poster's comment: he seems to think that this is only going to hurt liberals. Because, you see, looking around in his own life, only liberals and elitists go to college. Not hard working Americans like himself.

I am guessing this hard working American's profession didn't require a whole lot of higher education to get started doing in the first place. Also, I am guessing this hard working American doesn't contribute all that much to the bottom line of tax revenue in this nation, and any "tax increases on the rich" would happen more than a few brackets up from him.

I could be wrong, but I know I'm not.

The disinformation factory turns out wicked bitter shits like this. Just smart enough to know that it IS in fact somebody else's fault they aren't prospering, but just stupid enough to get mesmerized by their teevee box when it points as the poorz as the reason. Just smart enough that "Step 3: PROFIT" could potentially, theoretically, happen to them, but just wicked enough to think that they need to sabotage others to ensure their reward.

Fortunately for the Kochsters, hard working Americans like him have completely forgotten that old adage about "divided we fall."

Enjoy tearing your neighbor's throat out over the last stale Slim Jim, dumbfuck.

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There is an argument to be made that the reason they have such inherent distrust is that, well, cheating, laziness and, opportunism is how they live their own lives, at some level or other. It is what they know.

Therefore, every poor person (with less morals, obviously -- come on, they're poor!) is an opportunist and they definitely must be cheating in every way possible. At some level they are saying "It's what I'd do."

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As soon as the wealthy have scarfed up all those foreclosed properties at fire sale prices. Can't have the poors owning shit, after all.

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generally, i'm not a big fan of 'the economist's' editorial cartoons, but this week is pretty accurate. <a href="http://www.economist.com/no..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.economist.com/node/21524951">http://www.economist.com/no...

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also, for this weekend's congressionaly meltdown lollapalooza i vote for ramones as band of choice:

'i wanna be sedated' 'we're a happy family' 'cretin hop' 'i'm against it' 'why is it always this way'

and i could go on.

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Andrew Schlafly - the originator of Conservapedia, and spawn of Phyllis - was working on a version of the bible with all the liberal 'mistranslations' removed. At first I thought this was satire, but now I hear the rantings of teabaggers...

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Didn't the dude from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance teach at a college in Montana?

Fun, but useless fact: The National Flood Service is located in Kalispell, MN.

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“Yeah, getting smarter is stupid” *

*Some guy with a misspelled sign in a 3 cornered hat.

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Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give him a Pell Grant and he eats for life.....but only because he's taking half of your fish. <i>--Teabagger Proverb</i>

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i don't know, edumacation might help prevent, you know, boating accidents. <a href="http://wonkette.com/411495/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://wonkette.com/411495/montana-state-sen-char...">http://wonkette.com/411495/...

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