Woo! Talk about forbidden fruit.

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He went to the Trump school of just keep digging. It's no wonder those schools closed.

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OK, which Wonkette Poet wrote that there? It wasn't me.

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In a long line o Christian hypocrites, to be fair.

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Sadly the answers are No and No. Sadly, he is endowed like a squirrel and Eww, you want me to what? The thing that attracted her was how he read from Leviticus in that deep, manly tone. Especially the good bits about stoning sinners.

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Had a long-term contract with Michael Jackson, too.Think a couple of them were on the family plan for the group discount.

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I was just thinking this all has a Jim Bakker deja vu vibe to it. But unlike Marx's famous saying about history occurring twice, in this case both times were farce.

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Steve King's Veep pick in 2020.

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And practicing to deceive is even harder when you are a total moran.

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Because they have absolutely no sense of shame or embarrassment. He's barely faking it and resisting mightily the impulse to high-five all his drinking buddies while they are trying to escape the scene lest their own sins be found out. She is saying less but what is out there makes her pretty unforgivable as well.

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I figured you guys had better standards. Better for everyone if the Rebs stay in the closet.

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But only for themselves.

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I saw a new term "Jesuesists" ignore all dogma and just do what Jay asked his followers to do. Be nice.

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Tod = male fox.

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My vocabulary has been expanding exponentially since I started reading Wonkette.

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If you are saved and you sin, you ain't saved no more. By his church's standards, Courser is gonna burn unless he is sincerely repentant. Since he couldn't be sincere to save his life, he's toast.

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