The Left Bank;

The Right Bank;

The First National Bank...

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The Green Bay packers are publicly owned and the many owners in that area would not be pleased. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Green...">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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War on Welfare and all that jazz. We need a movie about Reagan to show him for the monster he was, this generation has no idea about what happened, they were born into this.

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Agreed! That's always the last question asked in an interview - ambush or otherwise.

The other one, of course, is "Kenneth: What is the frequency?"

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Barbara_j: Would that be a ZZ Top?

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These moves by Gov. Walker and Wisconsin GNoP are going to prove to be outstanding recruiting tools for public employee unions.

Kinda like the Iraqi prisoner abuses helped Al Q'ueda and his buddies...

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Mr. Stuef: Madison isn't too far from the West Bank. Of Lake Michigan.

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Why is he trying to turn Wisconsin into anything besides cheese farmers? No tech company will move there, the education system for the past 20 years has been on a steady decline and they are utterly schizo about electing governors, they have switched parties almost every 8-10 years for the past 100. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governors_of_Wiscons...">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

Wissies also gave birth to the Republican Party, remember that. Cheese plus copious bestiality and bad beer makes Republicans. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_White_Schoolh...">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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And that poor young man in Tunisia, who had the cops break up his fruit stand and then slap him around.

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There are some serious conceptual and perceptual limits in the base Teabagger brain that has adapted itself somehow into a working mind. Amazing.

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Since money is all fungible, spending cuts in gov't inevitably are job cuts somewhere. Either in the Department of Redundancy Department or the spare jet engine factory. No one should be surprised by this. Gov't spending has the ostensible benefit of being mostly domestic, rather than -- say -- someone buying a big teevee from China or a condo in Buenos Aires ("yanqui va a casa").

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You might think that the running would quickly give way to toppling.

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<i>"...rallying call of Republicans has been that the American family has to balance its budget so why can't the government..."</i>

If Repubicans and TP'ers are serious about this, they'll advocate repeal of mortgage interest deduction -- a <strike>socialist</strike> government handout to distribute some of the cost of private home ownership among the general population. Ball's in your court TP'ers.

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WTF? After all the Repubican filibusters in the U.S. Senate to delay and avoid votes on judicial appointments, health insurance reform and what-not ... now, NOW the TP'ers say the job of legislators is to show up and vote.

<i>Senator McConnell:</i> Why aren't you doing your job sir? Why aren't you doing your job sir? WHY AREN'T YOU DOING YOUR JOB SIR?

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Head cheese?

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I'd like to see Obama teabag Walker, right into a icy Lazy River. Srsly, the rallying call of Republicans has been that the American family has to balance its budget so why can't the government, state or federal? And I would like to point out that we do not balance our household budgets by not feeding, not clothing and not caring for our kids. Instead, the "executives" decide they can get by with their old coat and their old car for another year. That may have nothing to with Wisconsin but it's on my mind, OK?

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