<blockquote>Use that thing that holds up your tricorn hat for a while.</blockquote>

You are probably going to need to be a little more specific here. Jamming it up their own asses is, technically speaking, 'using it.'

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So I guess this gives Republicans a very clear mandate on how to handle this new development: double the usual levels of lying and misinformation.

It may be pie-in-the-sky dreaming, but with enough work, maybe they could get a full 100% of people who don't understand shit about shit!

Did the poll clear up the Teabaggers' feelings about going back to Walbrook, or staying with their brother, Charlie Babbit?

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Perhaps we should only give Medicare to people who can pass a citizenship test. That would cut costs quite a bit. Some deaths may occur, but -- really -- were these people going to follow the instructions on the pill bottles anyway?

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It would have been even <i>more</i> courageous if he had included all current and near seniors in his wondrous, money-saving, America-saving, senior-life-saving medicare shell game.

(My mother-in-law has trouble deciding what channel to watch, so I'm not sure how she'll handle all those insurance choices.)

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The part that confuses me is how Ryan's plan excludes over 55s, so it won't save any money for ten years. But he says Medicare will run out of money in nine years. OH WAIT! I think I know what his plan is.

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good. god.

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You are very correct. There is a democratic representative in Appalachia Ohio who is very popular with her constituents, even though she is a feminist liberal hippie. No seriously, she lived in a comune, and not the religious kind. The fact is, is that she goes to all of these little ex-coal towns, goes door to door, and talks to everyone she can. The result is you have a lot of people who you think would be ignorant teabaggers, voting for things like schools, and child services. It's pretty awesome and unique.

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