A zombie (other than the drink) is a person who mindlessly follows what people around him are doing. No longer having a functioning brain he can only create havoc. Much like your tea party members.

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"lady rainbow"? I like it! It should be the next euphanism for a vagina; it's even better than "vertical smile".

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Well, he may have underappreciated his ignorance just a little, because in my experience people who have prejudices often assume that their prejudice is widespread. The only reason (in their minds) that others do not publicly voice this prejudice is because of "political correctness". So a positive outcome of this sorry situation is that he and fellow homophobes may have realized that their opinions are very much the minority opinions and that they are not meeting with tacit agreement but with revulsion and rejection.

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i realize you love liberty and hate constraints, but next public message, try and come up with a punch line maybe? or a narrative line? or hell, just maybe more than ONE line. it helps with the attention span thingee.


librul 'merica.

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I'm going to run an article about how people are videotaping voters at the polls, so that they can use the information to steal their voter souls. Or demand their birth certificates.

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Zombie racist.

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#4: Would they have to handwrite the copies of names? Because I think after about 10 names, this project would lose all sense of urgency and everyone would head over to McDonald's for some anus wraps instead.

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Brains. Brains. Libtards want brains. Teatards don't want brains. Hey - this would actually be a win-win.

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Totally OT but Clint McCance, that vice-president of the Midland School District in Arkansas who made awful anti-gay comments on FB, is resigning and it sounds like he issued an actual apology, as opposed to "I'm sorry if you were offended". I thought public figures were contractually forbidden to do that now?

He's still a douchebag though, and no doubt lying about being really sorry.

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now i see ya got the brains gag in first ... well played sir/madam

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In for a penny, in for a pound. If you're gonna vote as a dead person, make it a veteran -- then ask the TP'ers why they hate the troops.

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That's what CNN said: "Clint McCance, vice-president of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas said. "I'm sorry I made those ignorant comments and hurt people on a broad spectrum."

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