Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.

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The alt-right coined the term in it's modern usage. It's not like the term became popular and then the alt-right started inserting race into it. A bunch of online white supremacists started using the terms and it spread from 4Chan and Reddit into internet discourse.

Just because a few people later used a racial epithet in a non-racist way doesn't make the term suddenly ok to use.

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Writing the same thing to two different writers is spamming now? That's two threads with an overwhelming number of 1 post. One. If the moderators think that's a problem they can tell me.

Meanwhile, feel free to continue to cape for a racist slur while also working to normalize alt-right terminology.

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Anyone with a legitimate interest in alternate lifestyles would have no trouble finding alternate terminology. I will admit to doing a treatment of the subject myself, purely intellectual and tasteful of course...

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Chuckles, AZ. Your politicians blinked.

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You're kinda snowflaky.....

The word it comes from is from the Middle English.

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Must we point out you are *way* past 'two posts' now?

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False equivalency. If you had had a good teacher, you'd know what that means.

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I just do not know why they feel such a need to do what they do. They've got theirs. Why can't we try to have a nice place to live?

I'm sure they call themselves good xtians....

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Batshit crazy like daddy, Fred (Mr Bircher himself). Incubated in entitlement and marinated in superiority. Unfortunately, that obscene amount of inherited money warps a person. Add in toxic theology and we've all got a problem.

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Original posts. Having a discussion isn't spamming. *sigh*

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I write this on every article?

I wrote it on the two articles this week that used the racist alt-right slur "cuck" in their headline. Once per article. What's the problem?

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Federal judge, hell! He'll be the new Secretary of Agriculture!

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Why do you say "cuck" Dok Zoom? Next you'll be saying "Fake News!"

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Bachelor's from NAU, PhD from U of A, so "Tempe Normal School" it is.

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I think I made that fairly clear, no?

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