That's quite the middle name, but whatever works!

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I was gonna make a snarky comment about Biden putting his son in law on corona virus task force, except he is actually a Dr, who has has experience dealing with it.

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"And the Transportation Department section is full of Trans Am owners. (Made that last one up.)"

That's it, toy with my emotions! :_-(

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Mark of a good President. With Obama, even being a news junkie, besides the biggies of State, Defense, Treasury, Justice, I'd be hard pressed to even come up with even a last name for more than 5 other Cabinet Secretaries. Arne Duncan, weird name. Sebilius, ACA brouhaha. Gates, Republican holdover. Lahood, neighboring district. To quote SNL, "why do I know the Postmaster General's name in 2020?"

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Brings back Obama Era Diamond Joe www.theonion.com posts.

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Trump's henchmen refusing to undertake the transition is evidence of their pettiness, but it doesn't really affect Joe's team very much. Twitler appointed people hostile to the work of the agencies they were put in charge of, what would incoming Biden administration appointees need to learn from them, how to sabotage the US government from within? That isn't on their minds.

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But who will head the Make Nice With Republicans Because They Aren’t Really Assholes commission?


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Yup. One of the first things I’d say when Biden won the primary was that he might not have been my first choice, but that I knew he’d pick good people who gave a shit to do all the heavy lifting. Every now and then I love being right.

I’m ecstatic at what you’re saying about the Justice pick, it means he might actually be gunning for the criminals. A real return to normalcy is going to have to include more than a few high level prosecutions.

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Chris Cillizza.

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As a guy of old age, I don't normally SQUEE!! But this stuff is making me SQUEE!!!

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What, no ‘My Pillow’ guy?!?!?

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One of the things I liked about the last Jerry Brown governorship was that it didn’t make a lot of news. They did their work, generally pretty well, and got on with it. I won’t say they did everything the way I would want, but they did okay, and didn’t give me aneurysms twice a day. Quiet competence is majorly underrated. I like boring government. There’s no reason for it to be bloodsport. It’s going to be damned nice to get back to that on the national scale.

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I’ve totally embraced the ‘Sleepy Joe’ moniker- we’ll all sleep better after he’s inaugurated.

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After Biden takes office. I'm gonna get drunk every night. https://getyarn.io/yarn-cli...

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So, Joe Biden was not my first choice, and I know I'm not alone in this. But obviously after he clinched the nomination I was fully behind him and came to like him more and more. But beyond that, I'm starting to think that he is the best possible choice just because he was in the last functioning administration. He knows how shit works and he knows people who know how shit works. He'll be better able than any other to get the government back to a working condition, without any transition help (not that the current administration would be able to offer any substantive help anyway). So I'm pretty glad voters smarted than me opted for him in the primary.

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A friend of mine has a co-worker who's niece wants to know if the new Surgeon General will sort of give a signal that rubbing one out now and then will be okay.

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