Ta, Evan. I thought Markwayne Mullin was good for nothing. Now we find out he's good for a titter or two.

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A new anecdote by a former colleague.

On a fact-finding tour with a grueling schedule, the group and their spouses were put on a bus to go tour some Iron Dome facility. Everyone was exhausted. Many people fell asleep on the trip. Markwayne roamed up and down the bus aisle with his phone, sticking his finger in sleeping people's nostrils and taking a pic of them startling awake.

He thought it was funny.

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Try explaining that to your Dr, on how you got COVID...

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Al Franken was forced to resign for essentially that.

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When asked, O'Brien stated "He wants to be my friend or be me or be a rap duo with me."

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The best part is Sean’s Twitter handle, TeamsterSOB. I’m betting on the union man!

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that's delightful. wish my initials were that useful.

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Sounds like somebody has a bit of a Napoleon complex.

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Public record has him at 5'10". Maybe he's just an asshole.

Or, maybe he's a lying asshole.

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I would have said there's nothing to bury the hatchet about. I'm the President of the Teamsters, he's a plumber from Muskogee. I have a larger constituency than he has. There is zero common ground on public policy issues. We can just leave it there and move on.

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Hmmm, short guy, check. All the tough guy totems, violent threats, guns, more guns, check. Stands on boxes or wears high heeled boots to appear taller, check. Wait a minute, are we describing Marky Mark Mullet or Rancid DeSantis? Or both?

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Ladies and gentlemen, the "Greatest Deliberative Body In The World".

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A little levity in these parlous times is always welcome, but 'lil Markwayne seems a little too fond of that gun collection for my comfort. Touchy insecure guys are both sadly predictable and really scary.

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What is milktoast? Is that like milksteak?

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Sorry, Marquane, I'm already dating someone. She's a Marine. I've recently converted to Judeo-Islam. I brake for small animals. I donate to my local food pantry. I vote Democratic.

Are you getting it, Marquane? I'm just not that into you!

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Jodeo-Islam? So you're truly a person of the books.

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Have you tried telling him you're Vaccinated? That usually works.

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Another Red State village that lost their idiot to D.C.

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Fortunately, they won't exhaust their supply anytime soon.

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Sean should challenge Mullin to a civics quiz.

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You win.

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From "Stand your butt up!" on the Senate floor to "Anywhere, anytime!" in front of a mountain of firearms is pretty much everything wrong with Republicans in a single meme.

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Does Oklahoma have red flag laws cuz this big pile of murder guns is a red flag?

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I think they're going for blue flag laws, where you can take a person's books away from them if there's a danger they might become liberal.

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O’Brien is a 4th generation Teamster from Boston. If they’re gonna weigh stones, O’Brien is gonna need a 6k forklift to deliver his to the table, vs. lil’Markie’s handbag.

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"lil’Markie’s handbag"

*coin purse

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So how long before someone doxxes Markywayne's sekrit Grindr account - ? Cause that's some *mighty butch posturing* going on over there. As Colbert put it after airing those clips: "...Are they gonna f(bleep)k??"

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He can get together with Matt and Schlapp it all out.

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