"skin of a virgin on a pile of faggots."

At first this recipe didn't appeal to me, but boy you sure know how to sell it.

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By the way, as a former Catholic, I can say St. Lucy is among the creepiest saints. This crazy bitch puts out her own eyes and she becomes the patron saint of the blind? The patron saint of self-mutilation, maybe, but not of people that actually want to see. The blind don't need a saint to just commiserate with, they need someone useful. Take St. Anthony for example. Now there is a handy saint. If you lose your phone, your keys or one of your kids, you put St. Anthony on it and he finds that sucker for you. Even St. Sebastian, the patron saint of archers, now there is a creepy saint, but at least you know he's willing to take a couple of dozen for the team.

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<i> Young girls dressed all in white with a red sash put a wreath with lit candles on their heads</i>

Nice dress, but you're hat's on fire!

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That looked really good until you told me what was in it.

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